Why the heck is HPV a female issue?
Why is sexual health and protection always a female issue?
And if it isn't entirely female- then why is the next logical group homosexual males?
This ridiculous male-centered health crap needs to stop. I am so tired of old white men telling people what to do with their daughter's bodies while making eight hour erections for themselves and their aged cronies.
If men had menses you just know that they would have figured out some medical way to halt it altogether until you actually wanted to have kids.
Gardasil works on Men because HPV is a disorder that attacks your bodies cells and they are identical in both women and men so- duh, obviously it would work. And since more than 60% of young men have HPV, I think they should be forced to be immunized too. HPV should not really be about cervical cancer- it is true that nearly 100% of cervical cancers are caused by two types of HPV- but of the ridiculous huge numbers of women who are infected (1 in 4 US women) only a little more than 10,000 will get cervical cancer. I am not saying that cervical cancer is not bad and women should not protect themselves, I just think the hype needs to tone down. We should be focusing on how there are more than 100 different types of sexually transmitted forms of HPV, of which Gardasil only protects against a handful. We should be talking about how HPV is as common as, well, the common cold! We should be discussing about how sexual encounters at young ages raises you risk of cervical cancer, how semen contains growth hormon which promotes cervical cancer, how HPV has evolved alongside the human body.
No outlets are putting out the hard data because they think that people cannot understand difficult scientific concepts. Why not? Why is HPV so common, not just because there are more than 100 types, but because it cloaks itself in your cells and pretends to be proteins.
Just keeping women in their place.
Although, this does remind me of an interesting conversation I had in a Biology of Beauty Sex and Death class where a student asked if he "as a sexually active gay male" should get the vaccine to which my professor responded bluntly, "honestly, you probably already have it."
You probably already have it.