I'm not an American but...

Nov 01, 2008 15:14

...part of me wishes I was when I see inspiring and clever advertising like this. Basically this is a very clever piece of film created by Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Will Smith, Tom Cruise and various other actors, musicians and people with an interest in making sure Americans vote in this election.

The film also emphasises the fact that the result of the last US election was changed by the 537 people in Florida voted for Bush, (and the loads of other people who were either denied a vote or simply didn't bother).

My parents educated my to believe that it was an absolute duty to vote as the fact is working class people laid down their lives and died fighting for this right. A good example being the Peterloo massacre. I'm always therefore really depressed to read that less than half of all the people in the UK bother influence who governs them.

There is a side of me that is also left wondering why the hell we don't have a brilliantly clever piece of advertising like this on every TV channel here in UK prior to the next election.

Are you listening Kenneth Branagh?

Either way, here’s hoping Obama wins. The alternative is way too scary to even consider.

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