Comics, Magazines and E-Bay...

Oct 13, 2008 03:45

I’ve always been a bit of a magazine fetishist and a little bit of a hoarder, (although this is in truth probably an understatement).

As a child who was a fan of science fiction, I managed to accumulate a complete set of 2000AD comics from issue one through to 300. Due to ripped page worry I never took the gifts off the front page so all the issues were very close to mint. Unfortunately, my parents, (who didn’t understand the value of these things) encouraged me to give them away when I was about 12.

A mint copy of issue 1 now sells for around £250 on E-Bay.

< sigh >

Anyway several years later, I became an avid reader of The Face. These magazines were never given away and after careful reading each one was tucked away, still in mint condition, dry, safe and out of the light.

Having accumulated several boxes of copies, I’m now in the position where I need to rationalise my possessions, (and I also happen to be fairly skint) and so I’m beginning to put them up for sale on E-Bay. The first four are a mix of issues from 1993 and 1994, but I’m going to put a few up each day, (just so that I don’t have to post them to buyers all on the same day).

I’m also going to be putting some books up for sale. The Trigan Empire is currently up on the site, but at some point I’ll also be selling a 2000AD Ro-Busters book; The Space Shuttle Handbook; The BBC book of the drama series, Tutti Frutti; An Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction; The channel 4 book that accompanied the drama series, Max Headroom and an art book on fantasy spacecraft.

If you’re interested in vintage magazines in mint quality, or any of these kind of books, you may want to keep an eye on the items I’m selling so for those who do, here’s a link.

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