May 20, 2011 02:12

Perish the thought!

To those that perhaps might have been wondering. I did, indeed, fall off the edge of the world.

The Locker is not a pleasant place, my friends.

Mine was, for a short while, filled with tests and papers and tests that required an ungodly hideous level of attention to detail. I slept with my books in my bed. (They make hard, cold and rather pointy bedmates, btw.) I thought for sure I was damned to fail, and stress was all for naught.

But, I succeeded instead!

/ breaks character

I GOT A 3.8 GPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... *still stoked* 3 A's, one B. And because of my science background with the Natural Resource Management degree- AND that most of the credits transferred, it is not that much longer until I take the TEASE test. UGH.


Done for the school year! Now it's summer! Only a scant few weeks too, until my son's school is out.

I've pulled out the art supplies that I've neglected for a number of weeks. I managed to buy another airbrush- so I don't have to switch colors so often and will be doing that something hardcore. I've also managed to get a cowhorn of some length and will be attacking this with my dremel.

I've SO MANY PROJECTS for this summer before MFF. SO MANY. So much too for the artshow! Then there's the dealer table! And a business license.... which if any of you have one, and can offer some advice? ... D: ... oh gods please?

HAS THE LAMEST BUSINESS NAME EVER... it's the name of my esty atm D: did I ever mention I really suck at coming up with names?

So yes. TL;DR : ... I fell off the face of the earth and now I'm back again! :D
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