Yesterday, I pulled up the window blinds at work, and nobody has bothered to close them yet, so I could actually see outside today. (For some reason, people usually shut the blinds, adding to the claustrophobic feeling of the work environment.) In the afternoon, I noticed a flock of birds swooping and spiraling through the sky in a way strange to me. That wasn't how our usual city birds--pigeons, sparrows, and crows--behaved.
When I went outside, I saw dozens of robins perching in the trees and flying in the sky. The afternoon was warm enough that I didn't need a hat or mittens. The ice was all melting. I've always heard that robins are a sign of spring, but I've never seen this many all together in my life. It was an awe-filled, magical sight. Three or four other people walked by and never even glanced up, but I saw.
Then I caught the first bus heading towards home, even though I knew it might mean a bit of a walk. It was a lovely day for a walk.
And when I got home, I found that Phil had gone to Costco, and in addition to vast packages of food, he'd brought me roses.