A Lovely Spring Day

Feb 10, 2009 22:11

Yesterday, I pulled up the window blinds at work, and nobody has bothered to close them yet, so I could actually see outside today. (For some reason, people usually shut the blinds, adding to the claustrophobic feeling of the work environment.) In the afternoon, I noticed a flock of birds swooping and spiraling through the sky in a way strange to me. That wasn't how our usual city birds--pigeons, sparrows, and crows--behaved.

When I went outside, I saw dozens of robins perching in the trees and flying in the sky. The afternoon was warm enough that I didn't need a hat or mittens. The ice was all melting. I've always heard that robins are a sign of spring, but I've never seen this many all together in my life. It was an awe-filled, magical sight. Three or four other people walked by and never even glanced up, but I saw.

Then I caught the first bus heading towards home, even though I knew it might mean a bit of a walk. It was a lovely day for a walk.

And when I got home, I found that Phil had gone to Costco, and in addition to vast packages of food, he'd brought me roses.

beauty, good things, spring, work, magic, valentine's day, signs of spring, photoblog, nature, marriage, seasonal, photograph

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