So, I had some silly plans of writing several long posts about various and sundry interesting and/or stressful and/or Important things going on in my life, have no time. So I will try to sum it up in a (comparatively) short post.
Work Stuff
It's work-like, by which I mean that I have audiobooks to listen to to distract myself from it, and I'm still watching that clock like a hawk. Many large projects are coming in for the next two weeks, and since 80% of the workforce quit during a dry spell, they're really short on QC people. So this means fulltime and overtime for the next two weeks for me, probably including all weekend long.
Knee Stuff
I'm getting around a lot better. Today was the first day I was able to go without the knee brace. My knee still hurts a fair amount, and it has a distressing tendency to move on its own when it shouldn't.
Physical rehab exercises + icing take about an hour and a half, which makes it difficult to work full time and squeeze two sessions into a day, 'cause I'm not good at waking up early. To be fair, I'm including what exercises I can for the hamstring problem I had on my other leg, and I'm throwing in 25 side-to-side sit-ups and 25 push-ups. I constantly find it amazing how full-body push-ups actually do seem to require the entire body, not just the arms, and doing that many is a lot more difficult than it was 3 weeks (of inactivity) ago, when I got injured. I'm trying to keep some physical tone, however minimal.
Doing leg lift exercises at home tonight, I produced many small squeaky pain noises that distressed Phil.
Orthopedic rehab techniques are sometimes weirdly like black magic or mad science. Electrodes are involved, as well as a nifty pulsing ice pack/leg sleeve thing that's hooked up to a machine making whooshing noises. There are exercises practical and strange, and a machine called The Rehabilitator. I've been at two appointments a week, which is rather a lot for my wallet (co-pay is small, but still, it's money).
I really like the doctor who's working with me. He's a great guy, funny, smart, very good at explaining things--if only he weren't so convinced that I look like Calista Flockheart. :P
Writing Stuff
I've been actually getting a bit of writing done, which is very exciting and happy-making. Unfortunately, now that work's ramping back up, I probably won't have much time free to write. *sorrow* I should definitely start posting writing logs again, though--I've noticed a definite drop-off in motivation once I stopped posting them.
Spec the Halls has gotten
its first few submissions, which is exciting. I still need to a) clear out all the deadwood left from last year, b) put in a little macro to allow people to sign up for the newsletter in a little box, c) get some site traffic statistics package, and d) ponder whether I want to enable comments, and if so, how difficult that would be in the current format. Only a) is mandatory. I'm also thinking about setting up a Twitter for it. That could be fun. A whole blog would be overkill, but Twitter would be doable.
State of the Abra
Forced inactivity has made me restless and cranky, though I try to keep perspective and rein myself in. There are some large Venn diagrams of worry and planning for the next year and a half of my life that are intersecting. A lot of scheduling hinges on the Surgery/No Surgery call, and everybody who has faced the same choice, whether or not they went with it, seems to feel pretty strongly that surgery is a very good idea.
The Mad Scientist is being a very good husband in terms of doing little things that he knows will surprise and please me, and he's definitely winning the Christmas presents arms race.
Social Life
I'm pretty mobile right now, and I suddenly have my evenings free again (no martial arts). Thanksgiving was spent at
sinister_dr_x's and
fayde's, and it was very good--lots of tasty food and hanging out with friends, as well as meeting a new person. The Mad Scientist took me to the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra last week, which was entirely enjoyable (that was one of the longer posts I wanted to make), and afterwards we hung out with
raoulthegoatboy at Kincaid's and drank fancy $3 mojitos and caught up. Also good. I don't want to lose touch with all y'all (very much not, in fact), but I'm pretty bad about even emailing or calling people on the phone, much less seeing them. Some Wednesdays nights I get to watch Heroes season 1 over at
I'm sure there was more I wanted to talk about, but I have run out of time.