Mar 16, 2007 17:45
...and then a project came up at Job #1 that bids fair to swallow all my time for the next two months or so. Six-day work weeks, at least once I factor in the one day a week commitment to Job #2. Add in that I really, really need to commit a fair chunk of time to practicing my martial arts material. Oh, and that I have to do some writing stuff or go insane (Trust me, this has been tested and found to be true. And I tend to go crazy in the not-fun way. I mean, the fun way a little, but mostly the Oh-God-is-she-scary way.). And I have a house that needs to be kept in order, because having my surroundings in order helps me to stay in order.
Must get routines established. Must train self to wake at unholy hour of 5:30 a.m. to allow time for martial arts training, routines, etc. before going to work. Must figure out way to cram martial arts material review and/or editing rough draft into bus ride. Must cut out most TV/Netflix watching.
Should also work on figuring out good way to relax despite all the above.
Oh, and taxes. And updating passports. And that story project I just queried on, which if they respond I may have an actual obligation to write in a reasonable amount of time. And Vicesteed critique maintenance.
Maybe a (maintaining) sanity checklist would help? What would be on such a thing?
hwa rang do,
bush foundation,