Naps and Surgery, Thoughts in Passing

Jul 27, 2020 23:26

Aaaand, the personal bit from my markets newsletter.

Thoughts in Passing

I've been wrangling my two young kids through distance-learning summer school, and it has left me exhausted and drained and uncreative at the end of the school day.

You know what helps?

A nap.

No, seriously. If you are exhausted and having trouble focusing, take a nap. I've found it to be marvelously restorative. When so many of us are dealing with overwhelm, stress, and trauma, a nap can be pretty damn magical.

"Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.”
- Shakespeare

... The only problem is that then you may be off-sync with the rest of your household. Also (if you are a heavy sleeper like me), waking up from a nap may be challenging. Scheduling the nap to be an hour or less before a can't-miss appointment helps with that. For me, that means setting my alarm to "get up and cook dinner or your children will starve" o'clock. Any optional scheduling for naps will fail horribly for me!

(Do you have a writing question? Send it to me, either by replying to this email or by using the comment form on my website, and it may get answered in the next newsletter.)

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
I've been recovering from one of those "elective" surgeries. My miscreant gallbladder has been evicted, and not losing 4+ hours 1-2x/week to pain-so-bad-I-can't-do-anything-but-stream-cooking-shows has been wonderful. Depending on where you are, this might be your window to take care of dental work, elective surgery, optometry, preventive maintenance etc. for the next 6 months. If your region isn't peaking, get it done now. Seriously. (That Twilight Zone broken-glasses episode may have left a permanent impression on my extremely-short-sighted self.)
 While recovering from surgery, I caught up on a *lot* of email.


Later note. ...By the way, that whole nap thing? Ha! My household roundly rejected the idea that I get to stay up until 2 AM every day. Harrumph. Harrumph I say.

Originally posted at on

#later, writerblog, aswiebe's market list, marketnews

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