When you have a lot of unstructured time ... or, on the other side, when you have very little time ... it's easy to say that you'll write sometime. When the time feels right. When you have a moment. When you feel inspired.
If the time hasn't been right for a while, it might be time to make a schedule. Start with a basic list of the absolutely necessary things you have to do in your life. Add writing. Figure out what gets done when, and then give it a try for a week. Adjust as needed. Everything else that is nonessential can get done when the time feels right.
(Do you have a writing question? Send it to me, either by replying to this email or by using
the comment form on my website, and it may get answered in the next newsletter.)
What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
Let's see. I watched TorCon panels. I did critiques and exchanged them for feedback on the beastie-in-progress that I need to edit. I continued to write to the #vss365 prompts. And I figured out that I need to schedule my writing time (see above) now that my kiddos are back in (distance learning) summer school at home, so I kind of know what my schedule is going to look like. Of course, I'm scheduled for gallbladder surgery in about two weeks, so everything's going to need to get readjusted during the recovery period for that. See "adjust as needed" above!
The rest of the market list update:
http://www.aswiebe.com/writing/markets.html ...So yeah. Surgery in 10 days. Covid test and pre-op physical in 6 days. This is supposed to be a quick, uncomplicated, routine surgery with a quick recovery time, but all surgery has risks. Eeep.
Originally posted at
https://cloudscudding.dreamwidth.org/1133889.html on Dreamwidth.org.