Rally 'round the family, with a pocket full of votes

Oct 03, 2008 11:05

It's a mere 5 weeks until the wedding of the year! Soon, I'm going to make a post about the many wonders of life with Kaitlyn and how excited we are about our coming marriage.

But until then, yes, more political mumbo-jumbo.

The debate last night was kind of interesting... Biden mostly hammered away at the similarities between a Bush & McCain Presidency, nothing fancy. He did seem to be on the offensive all night, which is good for his party.

Palin did alright defending herself for most of the night, until the last half hour or so. She seemed to go off on alot of tangents, talking about nothing in particular and avoided answering direct questions. Maybe she was improvising or she was nervous, though her comments kind of sounded like feminine Bushisms at times.

Both VP candidates went all out trying to establish their credability as "everyday Americans," and there were a few silly moments.

At the very least, they established clear lines of differences for the general public that weren't that defined by the first debate.


(notes to a dear friend, posted for discussion's sake)

I am psyhed about Obama on a number of levels, both superficial and policy related. I think he's the best current candidate for the country on a global level because of his mixed heritage, the fact that he has roots in Kenya and spent a few years of his youth in poverty-struck Indonesia.

He's about as far from Bush as you can imagine; and while I'm not one of those people who bash the incumbent for all of our problems, I do think he more often than not appears kind of dimwitted and his cowboy mentality has given the U.S. a bad world image.

Obama is well-spoken, he can write a good book and a good speech and he has a charismatic personality that the country needs.

I've said this before at other times, but the President is just a figure head, a cheerleader. He doesn't really have that much power over an individuals life, but he does give people someone to look to for "hope."

I personally used to like John McCain, he's a good man and a patriot, but it seems like he's sacrificed so many of his personal beliefs of the past 8 years to get more of his party and right-wing voters behind him.

Iraq (to use a common phrase) is what it is. I just think the war was selfishly created in an attempt to benefit the country financially or to let America play World Police over an area of the world that we're either scared of or don't really understand. Maybe some people over there don't like us, but its like constantly kicking an anthill without totally destroying it... We're just stirring up more terrorists by trying to instill our beliefs and ideas.... and it really shouldn't have anything to do with our soldiers. It's like throwing eggs at a fan!

On the economy, the thing about America is that it's designed to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.

The best thing about Obama's "communist mentality" is that he's looking at the people who really need help instead of basing it on race. He wants to get rid of affirmative action.

Maybe helping the less fortunate is bad for wall-street, but everyday people don't feel the effect of the stock market as much as some insist.

If you really believe we're going to enter another Great Depression, you can either blame bleeding heart liberals for unpaid mortgages, or you can blame war driven conservatives for a trillion dollar national debt. Whichever you prefer.

On taxes, It'd be easy to say that those who make over $250,000 are probably college educated and had well-off parents. Those who don't never had the chance to go to college because it's quite expensive. Yes, there are scholarships available, but that only helps so many people. The upper 5% of society are gonna be the only ones taxed higher and they are possibly over-paid anyway. Atheletes, brokers, doctors, actors, others in the entertainment industry etc., etc... They're paid WAY more here than they are in most other countries and they don't really deserve it... so it creates an inbalance. It'd be different if it was people who really deserved the money, like those in the military or people who actually risk their lives for a living.

What's more unfair?
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