Thanks to zymn for the link: Zach & Barack
83% agreement Gun control
83% agreement Environment
83% agreement Iraq
83% agreement Economy
75% agreement Income
83% agreement National security
83% agreement Family
83% agreement Immigration
83% agreement Health care
67% agreement Law and order
83% agreement Education
75% agreement Terrorism
Gun control (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
People should have a background check and obtain a license before they can buy a gun
Your opinion: completely agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Proposition 2:
Stricter gun control will not reduce crime
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 3:
All semi-automatic weapons should be banned
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Environment (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
The effects of global warming are grossly exaggerated
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 2:
An additional carbon tax on fuel will effectively reduce pollution
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Proposition 3:
The US should never sign international treaties on climate change that limit economic growth
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Iraq (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
The US had every right to invade Iraq
Your opinion: completely disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 2:
The US is safer because of the invasion of Iraq
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 3:
The new president should begin to bring home all US troops from Iraq immediately
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Economy (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
The best way to reduce the federal deficit is to raise taxes
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 2:
The tax cuts for people with a higher income should be reversed
Your opinion: completely agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 3:
The government has no responsibility to provide retirement funds
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Income (75%) agreement
Proposition 1:
Mortgage lenders should be more tightly controlled
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 2:
People with higher incomes should receive less Medicare benefits
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 3:
The federal government should reduce income inequality
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
National security (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
The US should reduce its financial contribution to the UN
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Proposition 2:
Iran is not an imminent threat to world peace
Your opinion: neutral
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Proposition 3:
The US should decrease its spending on defense
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Family (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
Same sex marriages should be made legal
Your opinion: completely agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 2:
Abortion should be made completely illegal
Your opinion: completely disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 3:
Using embryos for stem cell research is acceptable as it enables us to find cures for diseases
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Immigration (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
To prevent illegal immigration, the US should complete the fence along the entire Mexican border
Your opinion: neutral
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 2:
All illegal immigrants without a criminal record should be given the right to stay in the US legally
Your opinion: neutral
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 3:
Illegal immigration threatens our national security
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Health care (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
Providing health care is not the responsibility of the government
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 2:
US law should obligate all companies to provide health care insurance for their workers
Your opinion: completely agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Proposition 3:
The government should provide health care coverage for the millions of uninsured Americans
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Law and order (67%) agreement
Proposition 1:
The death penalty helps deter crime
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Proposition 2:
The government should spend money on keeping drugs off the streets, not on treating drug addicts
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Proposition 3:
For each crime there should be a fixed minimum sentence
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to disagree
Education (83%) agreement
Proposition 1:
Better teachers should be paid higher wages than their colleagues
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely agree
Proposition 2:
Creationism should be taught in science classes in school
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 3:
More government funding should go into public schools, not to education vouchers
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Terrorism (75%) agreement
Proposition 1:
Anti-terrorism legislation, such as the Patriot Act, unacceptably violates civil liberties
Your opinion: tend to agree
Opinion Barack Obama: tend to agree
Proposition 2:
Some form of torture is acceptable if it can prevent terrorist attacks
Your opinion: neutral
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree
Proposition 3:
Iraq is just one front in a broader fight against Islamic terrorism
Your opinion: tend to disagree
Opinion Barack Obama: completely disagree