Comparable lengths?

Dec 20, 2012 18:49

Hi. I'm relatively new to reusable cloth...bought a cup I've used once so far. I also have 2 minky liners I got from mc-sales, which I love. (They are the 6" by 2" length, with wings). I've just ordered some more to use as "back ups" but still would like to consider having a full stash.

I have a few questions and I'm not sure if there are charts out there or what.
I usually use Always ultra thin regular and/or long pads (with wings). Does anyone happen to know what length these usually are, so I can find a similar length? I can't seem to find any online. (If there are charts for determining what kind you should use/capacity charts,, can someone please refer me to the right location?)

Let me note also that I'm small/sort of petite, so if you know of anywhere with shorter lengths but a decent absorbency, that'd be great too.

Can anyone refer to me shops they like? I'm very fond of Pink Lemonade currently but that's about the only I know of.

Just out of curiosity-- (I've asked this in the cups LJ but am asking it here)-- where do you store your cloth? And where did you get a wet bag to use for it? (Has anyone used ThirtyOne thermal bags for their products?)

cloth pads - length

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