...nope, not yet. Not even close, which sucks because I have to actually get up and accomplish stuff tomorrow. (Or rather, today.) So I've taken some kava kava and am sipping at a glass of blueberry wine...I don't need the calories, as today was the day that I used to polish off what remained of the junk food I splurged on while my sister was here. But if it can help knock me out--which it invariably does if I am so foolish to consume it during, say, a tabletop gaming session, not that I'm speaking from a regular Tuesday night experience or anything--then hopefully it will work its magic now.
dragonflora has departed, and the house is now quite quiet. The cats are very disappointed that the rodents are no longer parked in the floor of the laundry room where they make for much more interesting TV; the dog is disappointed that he doesn't have an extra person to mooch food off of; and I am disappointed that I no longer have my sister around to torment and watch movies with. The rodents are not disappointed, because they were kind of weirded by the constant moving in and out of the guest bedroom at night, not to mention being made more vulnerable to inspection by larger pets (there was usually a shut door between them, but if we weren't paying attention the cats could sometimes sneak in and get a much closer view than anyone except the cats was happy with). And Jeremy is not disappointed, because we have a strict no-nookie-when-family-is-in-the-house policy. Unless we of course could hear them, upon which theoretically a competition would ensue to see who could out-traumatize the other family member. But since this occasion has (thankfully) not yet occurred, the current policy remains in enforcement.
I've been rather splurgy in general this last week, a trend which is going to have to stop pronto. Student loan payments are coming up, as are bills; and as for calorie splurging, I would hate to put back on all 5 lost pounds in 1 weekend of foolishness. However, I am contemplating taking a quickie trip to Tulsa to meet with people at the Tulsa Historical Society. "Quickie" trip meaning leave immediately after work on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, make the 10-hour drive to Tulsa, crash at a hotel, get up and meet with the Tulsa Historical Society staff on the following day, and return to Bloomington immediately after the interview. I have to see if I can set up a meeting with the THS first, since it would be stupid to drive down there and then find out no one is in, but if I can swing it then I already have a friend up here who is willing to come along for gnomish wakening purposes. I just think it might be good to talk to them in person and let them know how interested I am, particularly since I don't interview well over the phone. Not that I have an interview set up, but I thought that if I met with them in the guise of finding out more about the position, it might help me stand out as a candidate and would give me a chance to give them a better impression of my credentials and experience than can be seen through my resume. It would also be good to really find out more about the job, since it was the vaguest description I have ever seen.
My birthday is coming up in a little under a month. The last few years I've had decent birthday stuff going on: pool night at the Vid; a B-movie marathon; wine tasting followed by the Lotus Music Festival...so I'm trying to figure out something interesting for this year. Ideas I'm toying with are storytelling night; a pirates-versus-ninjas movie night (the first Pirates of the Caribbean and Yellowbeard, to be fllowed by as-yet-unspecified kung fu flicks); there are a few concerts in Indy I might think about seeing; Mozart's Don Giovanni is the IU September opera (I am ashamed to say I like opera in a sadly uninformed sort of way but haven't been to any of our opera school's performances)....any other suggestions would also be welcome.
Not a lot else...a vague desire for new tattoos, despite the desire not to splurge (let's see some designs,
buzzermccain! Air/fire and earth/water pairings to go on my biceps, nothing too detailed if they are small...) :)If you want to have a wine-and-design session, that would be fun :)
*EDIT: Actually, that's air/water and earth/fire pairings. My bad :)*
Speaking of wine, mine is beginning to get to me, so I'm going to log off and go to bed. I hope that the inevitable wine headache I will have in the morning after even 1 solitary glass will be worth the sleep assistance...