Fanbabble and DW

Mar 08, 2010 08:45

I've been watching some more Yugioh GX and I can say I definitely like it better than the original series. I mean, I still don't give a crap about the CARD GAMES WILL SAVE THE WORLD thing that most seasons have going for them, but I do like more characters than in the original. Though I don't think I'm ever going to try 5D's. The whole 'card games on motorcycles' still hits me as completely retarded, but not quite enough so to be amusing, mostly because of the card games.

I pretty much watched the first series for Bakura being the killer GM from hell, acting all sweet and innocent before ripping out your eyeballs. And I was massively gay for his Japanese voice. I guess I just have a thing for low voiced women; in Death Note, I think Near's English dub voice is gorgeous.

...Sadly, I can't say the same about the GX dub. It has its hilarious moments, mostly because it's so self-aware and constantly making fun of itself, but the voices are GODAWFUL. Syrus makes my ears bleed (and god, Mad Dog was even worse; that voice was just insulting). Chazz and Zane sound like chain-smokers. Camila's accent was horrifying. Alexis was just grating. Jaden and Jesse were...alright, I guess, but not very good actors.

And 'sending people to the stars' is still earachingly terrible. I don't think I will ever get over that. Well, that and I'm still sort of bitter over them taking out the 'Hell Kaiser' nickname. And his quest to self-destruct, but I guess that's par for the course for 4Kids. And trying to put dubtext between Ryou and Asuka, when in the original they were talking about how he is like a surrogate big brother for her. And then Ryou told her she now had her real brother back to rely on, before awkwardly adding that it'd probably end up being her getting Fubuki out of trouble instead of the other way around. And turning the whole situation around so suddenly Ryou and Edo were bitter rivals instead of Edo going, 'but don't you want revenge?' and Ryou going '???'
But at least Juudai and Johan were still supremely gay for each other.

But at least I like more characters this time. Actually, I can't really think of any characters I really can't stand this time around. Juudai's deconstruction as the invincible hero is rather well done, Shou has his insecurity issues, Ryou - the grand master of overkill - had his character crisis which most fans seem to completely misunderstand as suddenly being evil, even though he never actually teamed up with any of the villains or even tried to destroy the world or anything. Instead he flaunted his pain-kink in front of his little brother before putting him in the hospital. Okay, and maybe he killed Mad Dog, that's sort of unknown. Edo thought he was Batman and got everybody brainwashed by a psychotic ray of light (lolwhut). Kenzan wants to be a dinosaur. Asuka hates being the designated girl in a shounen universe and having to be the source of fanservice. Rei is a creepy stalker girl. Manjoume is... Manjoume. Fubuki needs to get a brain. Fujiwara had trust issues. And Johan... actually did nothing besides disappear, get possessed and be a source of angst and character development for Juudai. Okay, and he had his Pokemon deck, which for some reason gets changed in the manga so he suddenly has a lot of pretty butterflies instead. And after watching that graduation duel I never want to see the Cyber End again, because that was. just. once - more than once, even! - too many. Cyber Phoenix makes me giggle.

...actually, this show makes a lot of jokes almost too easy. Everytime Johan starts talking about the Rainbow Dragon I can't help but snigger immaturely. The attack is even called 'Over the Rainbow!' Although, of course 4Kids censored that as well.

Other awesome lines (dub mostly, even though I'm going to use the Japanese names bcuz I r elitist):

Juudai: "Aw, man, I can't wait to see what's in that capsule!"
Shou: "Well, I can!"

Camila: "I bet you talk to all the girls like that."
Ryou: "No, just the ones I really don't like."

Edo: "Something's happening!"
Ryou: "You think? What gave it away, genius?"

Ryou: "So, you got a plan?"
Edo: "Well, we can either wait until nightfall so all the guards have fallen asleep before we storm the camp, or we can just crush our way inside right now!"

O'Brien: "There should be some disguises around here."
Ryou: "I just hope they have my size."
Edo: "All the fiends here are tall and thuggish, you'll be fine!"

Ryou: "So, Johan, what have you been up to? ...Besides losing your southern drawl."

Or Shou being concerned about his sidekick status. Manjoume deciding he is better than Amon because he has a catchphrase. Juudai and Johan gazing lovingly into each others eyes. Duel zombies. A psychotic ray of light. Fubuki going, 'what do you mean you aren't brainwashed, Ryou? Everybody else is brainwashed and crazy this season!' Juudai deciding genocide is the best option since his boyfriend best friend boyfriend is presumed dead. Alien space dolphins. Murdering mooks for information.

Yeah I love this series.

And even if you are never going to ever be interested in it, you should still watch this

As soon as my wallet permits I'm going to get a paid DW account. I've never actually felt the need to do the same with LJ, but I don't know... I want to support Dreamwidth. So. Paid account time, most likely somewhere in the summer.

...on that note, anyone on my flist want a Dreamwidth invite? I've got ten codes and no clue with what to do with them.

And I am in love with my new Mokona Modoki moodtheme. So cute <3

ETA: and a final weather wtf: two days ago we had a run on ice cream at work. Yesterday my father celebrated his birthday and we could sit outside in the sun. And today it's snowing.


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