Completely not-related things

Sep 03, 2008 21:06

This is the most hilarious thing I've read in the paper since, well, since that article about people buying up site names to piss off Verdonk. The disdain just drips all over it.

Also the Tales of Eternia game is really quite awesome, unlike that shameful thing that calls itself an anime. Keele is such a bitch and I love him for it. Also he and Meredy are all awkward and shy and adorable at each other and it is so cute. And then he and Reid have these UST-filled scenes and I remember that he and Kukurle had this giant crush on each other and it is all so gloriously gay.
The strange blue-haired hunter chick that featured so prominently in the anime, as well as that weird bard are not in the game, but this does not matter, for it gave me Max and Chat. Max is a Large Ham and amazing like anything and Chat is a twelve-year old pirate who thinks everything is childish, but is afraid of the dark and animals and fights by throwing hammers and crushes on machines.

This game is so much love <3

Although to my neverending shame I still haven't actually finished Crisis Core or FFXII or Kingdom Hearts. I know, I suck.

Also I failed my law retake and will have to take the whole course again. But at least Sanne failed too so we can take it together. OH GOD THAT SOUNDS SO MEAN.

And last but not least: HIKARU NO GO.

Also, so actually not last; should or should I not buy Twilight? On the one hand, I kind of want to read it with a lot of sparkly pens within reach so I can write all over the pages and maybe burn it in the end as some kind of cleansing experience, but on the other hand it is TWILIGHT and almost guaranteed to make me throw up and want to smack people through the internet. Though that at least is nothing new.

sparkle sparkle little vam- hoshit my iq, tales of, hikago, games are too awesome for tags, random

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