(no subject)

Aug 15, 2008 12:01

Still no internet connection, though now I can at least use my father's laptop.

Had the weirdest dream last night. It involved some sort of crossover between Meine Liebe, Swordspoint and Discworld, with a Ludwig/Alec Campion hybrid acting like a Discworld vampire to freak out Orpherus/Ferris.

No, on second thought it was Alec wearing Ludwig's skin because no way that Ludwig would do something like that, and shit, does that mean that Orpherus = Ferris? Damn, I sure hope not. So that was Ferris looking like Orpherus then and it was damn freaky and the whole concept is actually kind of ridiculous and why and where the hell does my subconscious come up with such things anyway?

On second thought, don't answer that.

meine liebe, random

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