Jan 05, 2016 14:07
Well, hello 2016. Hello Livejournal as well. Been a long while since I've bothered to do any writing. I can't really summarize 2 years worth of content in one entry. I barely know what's going on right now.
Somehow still at the same job I've been laid off two times and counting. They went bankrupt and we got bought by another pharmaceutical giant. Yada yada mountain of nonsense with them. I want to leave, apply to a bunch of places, get no responses. Hey that's what new year resolutions are for right?
Social life has been pretty standard. I forgot what happened in 2014. Oh yea, my uncle died, but that's not social.... Stuff stuff. 2015. Friends. Normal things. Haven't traveled out of the state or anything. Turned 29. Had breakfast/dinner with friends. One friend got me the Exploding Kittens card game. Super fun thing.
Thanksgiving was a non-event. Christmas was a very smoked turkey. A new refrigerator got purchased last year, along with two new cars. Honda Fit for the bro, Civic for me. Sunday after Thanksgiving was time to pick out my car. Did I want black or black? I opted for "Smoky Topaz Metallic". It was one of two left. Would have preferred the dark wine purple of the 2016 models, but you get what you get.
There isn't really much to summarize unless I catch moments as they happen. The long hyped monster El Nino is finally here. Just rain, no thunderstorming.