Jul 28, 2008 18:53
While I'm talking crafting, are there any beaders out there doing the whole "gorgeous bits of jewelry that look like so many random beads just strewn together but end up being works of art in their thoughtfulness" thing?
I can string beads on a string. I can do bead loom weaving. But I want some of those beaded necklaces that go for $50 on Etsy, but I want to make them myself.
So my question -- anyone have some good bead book recommendations? I'd like something that's a good all-purpose sort of thing, with inspiring ideas, instructions and details on which findings to use, how to tie the various knots, etc. I found something called "The Beaders Bible," but it's apparently more of a documentation about where the beads come from and how they're made and all that. I don't so much care about that, since my beads will be coming from JoAnn's, thank you very much. But I would like something that goes beyond "here are 30 patterns you can duplicate yourself."
The beading version of the Readers' Digest Complete Guide to Needlework or the like.
crafts: beading