Harper's Island re-watch: 'Thwack' & 'Sploosh'

May 27, 2011 23:07

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fiiiine...

I've been playing that song on a loop for a while now. At first I played it and other similar because I've heard about the end of that whole "end-of-the-world" prediction a few days back. Then I just grew to like the songs and kept listening to them every so often. In any case, in case it isn't apparent, I'm pretty sure I'm still here along with anyone else who's reading this. Unless this is purgatory or I've been left behind. If so, I'll keep a look out for the Winchesters and some rogue angels. (BTW, I've been meaning to start posting some thoughts on 'Supernatural' and I've decided I'll do so after I finish with 'Harper's Island'. Not straight after but some time after. It should be a nice segue considering how many 'Supernatural' actors are on this mini-series. Special note: I haven't seen the season finale yet but I hear it's a particularly tough one so I might be busting out the "ranting" tag next time around. Here's hoping not.)

** Light Spoilers beyond here for anyone who hasn't watched this crazy cool horror miniseries yet. **

First off, we see some cute Abby nervousness the Big Night After at Jimmy's house. And of course her dad comes to visit Jimmy and sees her answer his door while Jimmy's all shirtless in the background, all chipper and happy as most men would be after sleeping with the long lost love. But for all it's initial and potential awkwardness, Sheriff Mills was surprisingly understanding about her little tryst with Jimmy. In fact, he seems to be good friends with the edvishly handsome fisherman. Even though the ole' sheriff hated Jimmy when he was dating his daughter, nowadays they get along swimmingly (if you'll pardon my vague pun). Honestly, thr whole scene with Abby, her daddy, and Jimmy was the sweetest, cutest part of the this set of episodes. When the three had breakfast it was just so family-like. But we all know how long that lasts in these suspense-dramas.

Now for another family bonding moment; daddy-daughter bicycling through the island woods. I could make several little remarks about them needing the tandem bike part and matching fanny packs to be complete or or why did they bring bicycles to an island wedding? (If they bought them simply for the little outing... wow. Just wow.) But the Wellingtons' little riding adventure did seem kind of nice. It almost made them seem normal. And then they get attacked by a booby-trapped log on a rope. That's what you get for riding around the island woods. Idiots. (BTW, Papa wellington doesn't trust Henry because of a "gut instinct"? It seemed really petty when I first saw it but knowing what I know now, it was surprising foreshadowing. Also, she finally told her dad that his current, younger wife (Catherine) was cheating on him with the brother-in-law.)

The creepy little girl finally makes a friend in Henry's black sheep brother due to her notice of his creepy emo tattoos and his childish yet accurate response of calling her creepy. And of course they bond by causing much trouble because even negative attention is still attention. These two need healthy influences and normal friends. And keeping them away from fire crackers wouldn't hurt either. Hell, ban them from anything with the word "fire" in the title. I'm looking at you fiery hot sauce and Billy Joel's hit 'We Didn't Start the Fire'. (Another song I was listening to several times over the past week.)

Now for the murder mystery part of the show: Abby discovers her daddy's shrine to a new Wakefield copycat murderer... except it might not be a copycat because maybe the original murderer was never killed by the sheriff. At this point I'm thinking we need a CSI: Harper's Island, stat. Goodness knows the police force could use the help since they *finally* find out that the reverend is missing (I believe he was killed in the second episode) and pull out his dismembered body parts from the ocean. Papa Wellington finally dies and it's at the end of the episode, at the end of the wedding rehearsal to really make a splash. Or should I say "sploosh"? Because the episode following "Thwack" is titled 'Sploosh'? Geddit? Huh? Huh? Yeah, yeah I won't quit my day job.

We got some good slow mo at the beginning of 'Sploosh'. They even manage to have a few seconds of the body in all it's cleaved, bloody gore. And of course the black sheep brother J.D is the new suspicious guy. Even though he was almost killed by Shane a few episodes before. J.D of course believes if was John Wakefield come back to start his killing spree anew. Abby shows the Dun brothers that her sheriff daddy has a Wakefield board and maybe didn't really kill him but then the sheriff shows up and tries to convince him it's just a copycat and some misfortunes and hey, look over there! *woosh*

Just wanted to note that the lighthearted portion of the sixth episode, I suppose, was filled with Cal and Chloe shenanigans. Chloe got her engagement ring back in some "hilarious" way after Cal failed to do so. See, some local found the ring in the sea after Chloe threw his pants or something into the ocean and, you know what, I can't even be bothered to go into it. The events happened in I think episode 2 and I didn't include it because Chloe did a bitchy thing to Cal and as I've said, I'm not a Cal/Chloe shipper unlike a surprising amount of people if Youtube fan videos are any indication. Anyway, apparently they were off sailing or something which is why they haven't been onscreen lately. Boy were their faces red when they found out all the crazy killings they've been missing!

To conclude, Abby and Henry dig John Wakefield's grave to see if his body really is in there and they do find a skeleton but any hobo could've been dropped in there to trick potential grave robbers and weird murderer groupies like Chloe. Speaking of other people I don't particularly care for; Creepy Girl's cheating bastard daddy got killed off at the end. He got harpooned in the dark right near his daughter's window to be precise. I'd like to personally thank the killer for that one. Or the clumsy, drunk harpooner who was stumbling in the dark. Whatever. Fingers crossed that the killer, copycat, or zombie keeps weeding out the losers and crumb bums!

harper's island, supernatural, television, long summaries

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