1/11/11 (New Year, New LJ Resolutions)

Jan 11, 2011 20:08

I post today because, of course, the numerical coincidence really amused me. Not until next year, December 12th will I be able to write the same numbers in my calender date - and then we won't have such a coincidence until the next decade because our months don't go past 12.

My New Years Resolutions are varied in my personal life but the ones for my internet time, particularly this Livejournal, are pretty much the same as last year. In fact lets see what last years LJ Resolutions were...

"So in this year, 2010, I resolve to post at least once every other week and try and get me some online friends to pad up my list."

Wow. I didn't really do well on that, did I? Okay, let me re-tool. This year I resolve to post at least once a month (this post counts as my "once" for January!) And I'll continue trying to add to my friends list. (I've already got a couple. Yay!) Oh, also maybe I can graphically/artistically improve this LJ somehow. I've visited a bunch of different LJs and have been stunned by how beautiful they looked! At least I'll get myself some custom LJ moods or something; I don't want to change this too drastically.

(Anyone know where there are tutorials for LJ user page decorating?)

happy new year

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