May 18, 2005 22:31
Watched the episode of "Stacked" tonight for which I attended the taping. So bizarre to watch it, because I knew everything that was going to happen, yet it all seemed very different. Enjoyable, but I was a tad disappointed about some of the stuff that was cut.
For instance, when Harold makes reference to the mad scientist and the nutty professor, there was this one take where Chris Lloyd added a line about "one day, their paths was a bloodbath, only the mad scientist survived" and he said it very ominously. It was sooo funny, but alas, that take was not used.
Other difference:
When Stuart storms out of Gavin's office wearing the wizard outfit so he can go confront Eddie, there was a moment where he comes back in to the office and asks them all to leave so he can get changed. Also cut.
There was a take where the black woman in the knitting group sarcastically said "white girls" instead of "yeah, you got it tough". But they didn't use that take either. Boo.
They also cut out Gavin's appearance at the end where he returns Eddie's sunglasses to him (but actually gives him back a different pair of sunglasses because he likes Eddie's much more). This occured right after Skyler gets back her watch.
And the bit that airs during the credits where Harold gives a chemistry lesson to the kids. After they cry when he tells them that everyone eventually dies and that it's just like going to sleep, this mother gets up and reminds him that they are just kids. At that point, Harold (in desperation) asks the kids if they want to see a volcano or eggs floating to demonstrate density and yells "ahoy!". Also cut.
My guess is that the cuts were made for time reasons. Oh well. They shall forever be engrained in my mind, hehe.
Roommate is packing and his gf is helping to clean his room, so there is much noise. Can't really go anywhere to write though because the library closed at 10. Boo.
EDIT: If I hear either my roommate or his girlfriend say "sweetie" one more time...someone's going down.