Apr 24, 2006 06:32
========>>> THe Lj experience<==========
I can't get over how grumpy i am. it feels like i haven;t slept properly in months, alcohol concupmtion is still out of controol even through i have been in this gin soakked city for a year and a half. there is always too much going on all the time and it is driving me nuts. ineed a serious holiday and a sensery deprevation chamber. .
but really i haven't been up too much. There are loads of comedians in all the clubs i've been in lately. I saw ross noble in a bar but didn't want to talk to him as he fcken hell terid.
Thjings have also reached that periood where i would be getting paid more in perthhhh, and i swear i had way more spare time then. oh well it could be worse.
Such arre the laments of this withered soul.
========================>>>>> Zournon, now has unlimited internet c redit and soon u will destroy i all<<=======
spell check on, Zournon: Xenon, Zoning, Zorn, Mourning, Zircon, Vernon, Zorn's, Zorina, Zorine, Pinon, Urning, Spurning, Zuni, Union, Onion, Corning, Burning, Morning, Souring, Turning, Sunning, Zenning, Bunin, Kenon, Ninon, Zorana, Zunis,Bunion, Spurn, Tenon, Noon, Noun, Soon, Anon, Phonon, Reunion, Surgeon, Canon, Conan, Manon, Nanon, Solon,Zonda, Sound, Zonal, Zoned, Zones, Poznan, Zeno's, Zone's