Feb 15, 2006 17:00
ON friday i went to a psychology conference. I love conference. Psychology teachers are the weirdest looking bunch of teachers i have ever seen. and i have been to maths conference. I sat next to some lesbian who kept making s and m jokes about cognitive behaviour therapy.
I heard a guy from Swinbourne talk about what he is doing with eeg, which is strapping electrodes to peoples heads. he was quite excited as you can now attach it to a laptop. He was measuring peoples personality by looking at the brain waves response to stobe lights. He also played some bineural beats ( or binaural beats depending on what you read), which have a similiar response to personality. He also talked about a tcs or tns or something i can't quite remember the name of trans cortical stimulator?. It uses magnetic pulses to turn off the synapses in part of the brain so you can't think there anymore.
the idea is that you get a volunteer (psychology students who have to volunteer to make up credits) to play a game with it on and see if they are fucked. i don't think it can be used at long range. I had a chat to the guy afterwards and he invited me to swinbourne to look around. I am going to see him again in april.
I also listened to a woman who studies sleep. she was quite interesting too, but not as good a speaker. She told me afterwards that my sleeping habits would change as i got older.
I am going to another conference on friday about the use of the Casio Classpad 300. If i knew how to put images on this i would. the classpad is a sleek machine.