shittiest shit bag ever

Feb 08, 2005 20:35

I mean, seriously. I can't even keep up with my own commitments (namely this journal).

Haven't talked to anyone from home in over a month, except Larissa. I talk to her daily. For Valentine's Day / 2 year anniversary, I got her some very nice flowers, because she wouldn't tell me what she wanted. But now I know, so I'm going to surprise her.

Oops. Guess not, sorry dear.

Anyway, I got both my blue dot and green dot stripped in the past 24 hours. For those of you who don't know (or don't remember), I'll clue you in to why this is bad and that there's little I can do to fix it.

Naval Military Training (NMT) exists to ease off of the strict lifestyle of boot camp. At your first training command, you start off on phase one NMT. No civilian clothes, curfew, no driving, no alcohol (if you're of age to partake in beverage of choice). You march everywhere you go with your class. Phase two, no marching, civilian clothes on the weekends, driving and alcohol (again, if you're of age). Phase three, no curfew, civilian clothes any time you're not on duty, just like regular military life. Then you graduate NMT, and are completely free. They do all this so that you don't go from the all-rules of boot camp to no-rules of being a sailor (there are still rules. Don't interrupt). Each phase lasts about four to six weeks, and you advance by demonstrating military discipline, like physical condition, inspection scores, and overall attitude and behavior. At Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, your NMT phase is designated by colored stickers (dots). None for phase one, a green dot for phase two, a blue dot for phase three, and two blue for completely graduated. My Section Leading Petty Officer is the one in charge of my NMT. He decides whether I advance or not. My class, which is full of shitbags, was put on "Ordered Quiet", meaning that we're not allowed to talk in the classroom at all, or eat in the room during breaks. They decided that they knew best, and that they would continue to talk. Our SLPO took our blue dots yesterday afternoon for violating an order ("Ordered Quiet"), and this morning people were already talking. So, we lost our green dots too, and now we're back in phase one NMT.

This is pretty shitty, because I worked hard to earn my dots and someone else took them away. I can't do anything to fix this, because while my SLPO is friendly enough, he's tough on the rules. It makes him look good, I guess. He might advance us if we get taken off of "Ordered Quiet", but then again, he might wait. It's totally in his hands.

I forgot what else I was going to say. Nuclear power does that to people, I understand. In the middle of a sentence, just drop off and stare at the shineys.

Anyway, our final PFA is tomorrow (wish me luck!), and then we take the comprehensive exam on Monday.

Which reminds me, Ross has been trying to get a hold of me on AIM. Is he still a drunken fool, or has he cleaned up? Er, that sounds a little harsh, but I'm still bitter about a few things, I guess.

Anyway, deuce out.

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