Alright. I thought that I might as well do this, since I have a very large amount. Not all of them are win, but that's ok. You all can see how I have improved... because I have, haven't I? (And now that I look at it... it doesn't seem like much... wow. I thought I had done more...)
Bleach Fanfiction:
Crash ~Ichigo(Hichigo)/Renji (one shot)
Age ~Renji/Ichigo (oneshot)
- Goshou ~Renji/Ichigo, Grimmjow/Espada!Ichigo (unfinished)
prologue 1 2 3 4 5 -
A Porno for Grimm ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot) for
Shall I compare thee? ~Hichi/Ichi (one shot poem)
チョコレート愛 ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot) for
What became of Fighting? ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot) for
Wet ~Renji/Ichigo (one shot) for
LHSAS ~Renji/Ichigo (one shot)
Managable Feelings ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot)
Hello ~Hichi/Ichi (one shot)
Birthday Gifts aren't Always a Good Thing ~Renji/Ichigo (one shot)
Beautiful Disaster ~Renji.Ichigo (one shot)
What Won't ~Grimm/Ichi, implied Bya/Ichi (one shot) for
Three is an orgy, four is just wrong ~Renji!Ichigo/Ichigo/Hichigo+kon (one shot)
Hanabi ~grimm/ichi (one shot)
- Dirty Secret
pt1 pt2 ~Grimm/Ichi, onesided(?)Ren/Ichi (One shot)
Lithium ~Renji/Ichigo (one shot with follow up) for
Absolute Hate ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot)
Music ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot)
Defeated ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot) for
Addicted ~Ren/Ichi (follow up for Lithium) for
Can't say no ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot) for
What I Love ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot)
You got me WHAT?! ~Ren/Ichi (V-day oneshot)
Love over Lust ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot songfic) for
kamikaze43v3r- "Caught!verse", Grimm/Ichi~
Fast Food,
Just Changing,
Lust over Love ~Grimm/Ichi (sequel to Love over Lust, one shot songfic) for
Rambings of an Arrankar ~Grimm/Ichi (one shot)
Not Joking ~Grimm/Ichi, Hichi/Ichi, GrimmIchiHichi (threesome oneshot *licks lips*) for
Not Fair (Property Value) ~Grimm/Hichi, Grimm/Ichi, Hichi/Ichi (oneshot) written with
Crazy ~GrimmHichi (one shot, songfic)
Full Metal Alchemist Fanfiction:
The Good for Nothing Job ~Roy/Ed (one shot)
Hit me ~Roy/Ed (one shot)
- Fighter ~onesided Ed/Roy, Alt!Kimblee/Ed (unfinished)
1 2 Eyeshield #21 Fanfiction:
I want my gum back ~Hiru/Sena (one shot)
The Proof ~Hiru/Sena (one shot)
xxxHolic Fanfiction:
Why? ~Doumeki/Watanuki (one shot)
- *D.Grey-Man*
Can't have everything ~Rabi/Allen (one shot)
- *Invader Zim crack*
Bacon Love ~onsided Gir/Zim (one shot)
- Doujinshi scanned: Ichigo/Renji:
Sora ni Kizu ato wo