The end of the Great Depression was brought about by the start of World War II. This caused our nation to start producing weapons on a large scale, AND WE HAVE BEEN DOING SO EVER SINCE! What keeps this nation that we are SO (cough cough) proud of alive is the PRODUCTION AND STORAGE OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Many of the nuclear weapons America
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While sometimes employing unorthodox approaches, you are capable of handling large scale undertakings, assuming great responsibility, and working long and hard towards their completion. Often, especially in the early part of life, there is rigidity or stubbornness, and a tendency to repress feelings. Idealistic, you work for the greater good with a good deal of inner strength and charisma. An extremely capable organizer, but likely to paint with broad strokes rather than detail. You are very aware and intuitive. You are subject to a good deal of nervous tension.
*Challenge 1 (weakness that must be overcome)
The challenge of the number 1 suggests you are likely to feel dominated by others with strong influence, probably parents or others with whom you compete. The challenge of the number 1 is avoidance of being dominated, but doing so in a fashion that does not impose upon or dominate others. With the challenge of the number 1 it's extremely important to control the ego, and avoid the negative aspect of individuality. False pride, pomposity, egotism are issues to be guarded against now. You are now in a period of learning about self-reliance and how to solve your own problems independently. Learn to rely on your wit and your intelligence, avoiding argumentation and resentfulness
*Personal Year 5. . . . Feeling Loose and Free (trend of the year for 2005)
This is a number 5 year, a year of major change in your life. Horizons are expanded and growth is less impeded. You are likely to make a number of new friends this year as social activities are expanded. This is a year that has brought/will bring excitement and adventure and a good deal more freedom than you have experienced in recent years. This is a time for feeling loose and free; for moving away from old routines in a constructive way. If you became bogged down during this past year, now is the time to seek out new directions.
The problem with a personal year 5 is the tendency to scatter energies in all directions. Your ability to do detail work is limited now and it will make you feel very confined. In all, this a free-wheeling year that is liable to bring major changes to your life; your career, your family situation, your residence.
PS: Tell Brandon I said hello and if you see Japeto, let him know the same. They're both my brother from another mother.
<3 shanny
Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
changed my whole perception of shit...incredible.
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