Mar 11, 2005 11:05
The end of the Great Depression was brought about by the start of World War II. This caused our nation to start producing weapons on a large scale, AND WE HAVE BEEN DOING SO EVER SINCE! What keeps this nation that we are SO (cough cough) proud of alive is the PRODUCTION AND STORAGE OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Many of the nuclear weapons America has today use the bombs we dropped on Heroshima and Nagasaki as detonators. These bombs are large enough to destroy small countrys and the World Wide climate change that would result from the use of ONE of these would be astromnomical.
Id it more than a little suspisious that the day after 9/11 fifteen members of the royal house of saudi arabia were lown out of America on a private jet...when there was a National No Fly Zone in place? And isn't it also strange that the head of Saudi Arabias version of our CIA gave money to the lead highjacker? Strange how we want Saudi Arabia as an ali and how President Bush had visited and done business with them on multiple occasions before his presidency. His father good ol' George Senior still works in oil just like his son has for years. THAT IS NO SECRET! And yet we happen to be in a war that has switched from a hunt on terrorists, to a war for oil and control. WHAT MAKES US ANY BETTER THAN THE DICTATORS BEFORE US???
This Once Great Nation of ours was at one point a democracy. Now we have been robbed of all control. The Patriot Act, which if you read the fine print (and I have) was drafted before 9/11 takes away all of our rights as citizens. Rights that are what this country was founded on, they are now alowd to tap our phones with no warrent. The CIA doesn't give Congress any financial statements which is unconstitutional, but they hide behind the ever soft and comfortable shroud of "National Security"; kind of takes the accountability out of it doesn't it?
The Democracy of America has drawn to a close and the Republic of America is blooming. We have become so untolerant that hiding behind our religon, because we must be good right? They must be the evil ones because they're not us right?
I doubt God wants us to bomb the Middle East, if you remember that is where our National religon comes from. Almost all Middle Easterners proudly trace their lineage back to Abraham, regardless of religon.
Writing letters no longer works because the people that make decisions for America, 9 of them still in the oil business (coincidence I'm sure), know whats going on.
As our dear intelligent President would say: "LET'S GET' ER DONE TILL THE COWS COME HOME!"