Sep 26, 2004 17:42
Ok, so ya, i had a kind of weird weekend it wasnt quite fun but then it wasnt not fun. certain moments were good, and hey thats what I live for right! ya it is! well anyways, I was gonna go to the UCI foam party on friday night, was getting really excited, it was gonna be chill and foamy and then I couldnt go last minute cause of Yom Kippur. So instead I spent Friday night in temple with my grandparents, But it was nice cause they were happy I went with them. But i was still sad that I didnt get to go to my foam party. O well. And my brother said if i went he would tell my parents that he was concerned about me or something like that, so overall, i didnt go, I did binge, but thats a later breakdown.
On Sat. morning I went to temple with my family, it was the last day and then my weekend kinda started.Me and Elena were gonna go out to lunch cause thats what I do with people; I eat. LoL. But when she got there we got the call that it was Alex's party thing at the beach and we had said we would go so we did. it was fun, met some cool people and went walking and then I got all hyper and went swimming with whats her name(I think it was alex, but a different one.)in my bra. we were dancing and everything it was actualy alot of fun we were all like running on the beach and stuff and it had a really gorgeous sunset. i enjoyed myself. then alina was all, Theres this party on top of the parking structure at like 9 or so that night. so we left and parked like a block away just in case the police were there, then in the parking structure Alina and Elena were like lets take the elevator and me being the overly cautious person that I am was all like, not a chance in hell am i gonna take the elevator up in a deserted, mother fucking parking lot. So we compromised and took it half way up and as we were walking the other half we got a call saying the cops were there and to run, so we were freakin'like running down the steps trying to get out when these girls pass us in their car and were like, do u need a ride so they take us back to our car, we all go and get ice cream; I dont know why, and then their like the party will be at this girl natasha's house and to follow them. we get lost and lose them. so then were on the phone trying to get directions, we get there at like 10 or so and it sucks, its a bad, sober 80's party with a girl who hates me for a reason totally oblivious to me; so we stay there for about a half hour and then we left. After we were all driving around so we went to starbucks and got some weird chocalate thing(its a recurring theme. Haha) and a hot chocolate. By then we were all kind of tired of driving and me and elena got sleepy cause, well were like that; so we went back and i slept over at Elenas house.
The next morning me and Elena went to cha for well, tea, no pun intended. haha! we get there and the boba things arent ready so we wait around for like 30 mins. and then I get my strawberry cooler thing with the bobas/pearls in it and it sucks so i ended up giving it to Elena. tear.By then we were both tired and grungy and grody feeling so I went home.
Later in the day I went with my mom and had a huge anxiety attack type thing in my grandmothers kitchen over my weight when she was like you look fine but you could stand to lose like 5lbs. so that you could be happier wiht your body, and I went off. hysteria I tell you. But after that i came back home and now i'm typing this. i dont know why I wrote about my little breakdown but its all good. So ya, I just finished my sketch for art and i'm really tired so i'm gonna go relax, maybe take a bath or something. LoL! But I am gonna go,So night everyone.