Sep 22, 2004 22:39
i dont really know how to start it off this time; conflicted as to the different topics to discuss on my LJ, but i felt like writing so here I am. alright you know what bothers me? The fact that people can do hurtful things without even realizing it. In my opinion/and or case its the fact that you can do something for someone and yet when they are asked to do the same they're somehow busy. How a person can go out on a limb for another and barely get a thank you is beyond me. people have expectations for themselves but they never reach a point where its no longer only them they're thinking about. i think that much of the human race is just shallow, crude and tactless without even the knowledge of when they're doing it. Now dont get me wrong, we have nuns and people who dedicate their lives for the good of other people, we also have people that are truly caring and giving, always out to help another no matter what the problem, but we also have people that just never have the time. Those who cant fucking be bothered.Everyone has their own individual problems, whether similar to anothers or not theres a root to the dilemma and a expectation of its future. Every person has a problem , noone can escape the infidelities of life but what i dont understand is why people let themselves get overtaken to the point where others are no longer as important or as involved as before. Somehow you can become lesser of a person in a span of a minute, i just dont know how. I understand more than anyone the control and power that can be over ruled when the issue at hand is at its peak. i know the feelings and emotions that can take you to a place of no return as well, where you just want to cry; which is what many of us do and some to a sadder and very different level. But how can we become so involved in ourselves that we fail to notice those around us looking for another individual. People, are the best release. the energy and ambience from a crowd or even a just a few people can help us more than we know, to listen to someone else can show us the reality of our own dilemma. So why dont we? i obviously dont know but more and more I see people express themselves through ignorance and attitude. Almost an anger towards the world; but taken out on the people surrounding it. i guess i just wish that life was just one big therapy session. everyone talking and expressing their emotions. i dont know why people choose to bottle up their lives so noone can come in. Why would a person cut themselves off from a world with so much. At some point our obsession with ourselves and our ignorance towards our problems became cliched. Its a movie retold but the reel broke a hella long time ago. if there is one thing in my opinion that we should all learn from our problems is that they are somewhat in our control, i dont believe fully in our control, but we have some say in their preservation. See i dont actually know where i'm going with this, i started with a question and ended as obliviously as i began.But I would like to leave with a conclusion as so: we can only do so much in our life, its not all in our power no matter what anyone says. Every person around you has an tribulation going on as we speak. Noone can escape life. but i dont believe in all this bullshit that its a harsh reality. Reality is real people and the realism of reality is that the good always goes with the bad and thats what everyone should strive for. The turning point just happens to be a bitch at times as well. So enjoy the present and live for the moment, dont live everyday as if it were your last cause thats just creepy, but live as if you could do no more. live in your own world but just stay grounded and listen as much as you bitch. I think it could do everyone some good to express their feelings and innermost demons. We should all stop the pessimism and look towards a more optimistic future. There's noone here but us.