Bad news there is no hope; good news is there never was.

Dec 27, 2006 23:43

I have lost what little hope in humanity that I have. We are fucked; not the good kind of fucked either. I just don't know what to do. I believe there are sane people left. In fact I think there are more sane people than there are crazy. The sane sout at the top of there loungs for hours at a time everyday but the crazys just won't listen. Unfortunatly the crazys are the ones in charge. When a sane person tries to change things and get in charge it just doesn't work. Why? I just want some sanity. Someone please just tell me things are going to be all right; I want to believe it just for a moment. I mean seriously WHAT THE FUCK! I'm lost and bewilderd. So much so I can't even proof this thing with spellcheck.
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