Ya estamos...

Jun 30, 2006 11:55

So I'm leaving my room in an hour or so and then that's kind of it for me in Barcelona. I'm still in Spain for another 10 days or so, so it would be hasty to say that it's all over quite yet, but this is the end of the part that means I actually live here. Either way I'm coming back when I finish working this summer for a week or so before going up to Ed, but I feel like it's the end of an era.

I don't quite know how I feel about leaving. I am sad that it's the end of a year, and sad that I'm leaving behind living in this fantastic city, and the way of life here which I love. I guess I've sort of learned Spanish, which is an achievement and I've learned loads of economics, which has helped me to see what I might want to do with the rest of my life. It's hard to tell if I've achieved what I wanted to achieve with the year, since I made the decision so flippantly. However, I am sure it was the right one, which is something I definitely questioned during the first part of the year. Going back to Edinburgh will be awesome, and nothing seems to have changed there really, which I think I will enjoy. So in a way I've just had an extra year.

I guess I sort of feel that it's time to go. All of my good friends are leaving in the next couple of weeks anyway, or at the least won't be here next year because most of my Spanish friends are graduating. I have made a lot of new friends this year, but I've also come to the conclusion that I might stick around my old friends for a bit now, I'm a bit sick of going to new places and meeting new people and starting a new life, which I've done quite a lot of in the past 21 years. I think being here has made me value all of the amazing friends I have, and has made me pretty certain that when I graduate I'm going to go to London or NY, and prob not bother with another new location for a few years.

That's probably it from me for a while since I don't know how much internet access I'm going to have for a bit. I am back in London July 9th. Woohooo! Hope everyone is having a pleasant summer xxx
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