
Jun 16, 2006 13:29

Good news! I got my summer placement with the GES! Woohoo! This will mean that (a) I will have money (b) something good to write on my cv (c) i will get to be in london all summer. This is also super good because the placement is only 7 weeks which is ideal. The only scary thing is that I am working about 1 minute from the houses of parliament, which means that (a) if there is a terrorist attack, i will be the first to go (b) i feel the chances of them finding out that i actually have no idea what i'm doing are higher. but still... go team!

In other news I just had my last lecture ever at La Pompeu, which was quite weird. Then I walked home in torrential rain listening to Bruce Springsteen, and I really felt like I was in a film... Last 2 weeks in Barcelona now, which is incredibly sad. I have four exams which are a pain in the ass, meaning that i can't spend all my time watching world cup football on the beach and drinking, which is all anyone else seems to do.

Super fun though is that after my exams end I am going to an economics conference with some friends in San Sebastian for three days (I am a geek), and then going to Pamplona to see the running of the bulls which should be fantastic. Then a little trip round Northern Spain, back to BCN, then it's back to London for the working...

The only bad side of this whole shabang is that it means no trip to New York for Claire in July. I may come the first week of September if the relevant ppl will still be in town. I'm really sad that I can't come... I miss NY so much now, and it would have been awesome, but you can't always do everything. I will be thinking of everyone in the Hamptons on the 4th, and whatever happens, I will be in NY next 4th of July. Ahhh! I'm sad already.

Time to go study... blahhhhhh. Adios.
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