Title: Dressing for Success
swissmarg Rating: G
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Characters/Ships: Luna/Blaise, Pansy, Ginny, Draco
Genre: Romance
Summary: Head of design at Zabini's fashion house, Pansy Parkinson has her eye set on the heir apparent. But his eye is caught by a witch who has her own way of looking at things.
Length/Completion: 2,500 words, complete
Notes: Thank you to En En chan from PI for the efficient and professional beta job. This was written for the
rarepair_shorts Winter 2010/2011 exchange. You can also find it posted
over there. The prompts I used from
ellielove_x3 were: Romance, AU, EWE?, humor, girlish gossip, passionate bickering, fairytale-esque, happy endings (even if open-ended), misunderstandings. I like Blaise to be black and to be a man of little words, yet all his emotions are evident in his green eyes.
Read it on my journal...)