Hey everyone, I just stumbled on this comm via the
quibbler_report and I've got a couple of Ravenclaw fics for you!
Title: How a Buffalo, a Refrigerator, and a Leeds City Bus Saved Anthony Goldstein's Butt
swissmarg Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: Cartoon violence, intentional misspellings
Characters/Ships: Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, Death Eaters (Gen)
Genre: Humor
Summary: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Anthony finds himself in a fight for his life. And he's got a whopper of a head cold.
Length/Completion: 800 words, complete
Notes: This was written for (and won) challenge 5 of
harrypotter_las // Round 1. The challenge was "[character] has a cold".
Read the fic on my journal...)