Picspam: VsArashi - jealous!Nino vs. Okada

Apr 29, 2013 03:35

I believe I already mentioned how much I love jealous!Ohmiya♥ ;D Plus: I also love VsArashi so the last episode (o.a. 2013.04.25) was pure gold for me ^^,
Guests were the cast members of the upcoming movie Toshokan Sensou with Okada Junichi from V6, Plus One the wonderful Morisanchuu♥

Okada was just at Shiyagare (I guess you remember ^^) and there it was settled that he may have debuted earlier than Arashi but entered Johnny's after Ohno, so technically Ohno is his sempai. Which brings us to the following:


                                                                                     (Somehow I love Ohno's smirk here *hehe*)
Other than popular believe (as mentioned above) Okada isn't Ohno's sempai at all and Leader feels the need to point this out
("I investigated this!")

Okada can only smile/laugh but lets Ohno be ^^y

Nino as the good wife that he is, supports Ohno of course♥ (I love how he always helps Ohno to make his point come across)

The talk turns to the good old times and how Ohno adressed Okada when they were both young and cute:

----------> Okadacchi! (derived from Okada and Tamagotchi *lol*)

And at this point Nino starts monitoring his sempai's every step with hawk's eyes

Everyone was laughing at the revelation, only Nino looked absolutely not amused

...and instead eyed Ohno.

In order to catch Okada lay down and made some testing moves to show how he intended to catch all pipes.

+ which Sho made a joke how it looked like one of V6's choreographies.
Once again, everyone was laughing... but one!

I don't think it shows clearly here but when I clicked through this part frame-to-frame to make the screenshots, you could see that Nino didn't move at all. Everyone turned to Sho or moved while laughing, but Nino sat like a statue and stared Okada down. See his scowl?

However, the game started...

...and Ohno asked his first question to distract Okada:

"Do you like me?"

"I like you very much."   (Note: saying daisuki one can also be used as 'I love you')

"Well, then tell me three things you like about me!"

"You're gentle, you dance and sing very good and, well... what else..."

And at this point Nino isn't relaxed at all anymore (if he ever was ^^')

Ohno releases the pipes and Okada makes a spectacular catch...

...and everyone is awed by it :)


Everyone? No. The owner of a very cute button-nose and equally cute hamburger hands does not join the congratulations.

I think that Nino has the same look here that he wore when Gackt hit on Ohno back at Shiyagare. His eyes spelt murder then and now ^^'

While they talk about the game Nino continues to glare, this time tapping his nose as if he's busy plotting his revenge!

Okada makes a joke about Jun and his personal fangirl Ooshima-san. Nino laughs with the rest like a good little idol and then resumes his staring. Note how his eyes aren't laughing at all (I hope it comes through with the quality and size of the gif >.<)

They change the participants (Eikura Nana vs. Jun) but Nino is still in a bad mood:

(sorry for the crappy quality here, it was gone so quickly and I didn't manage to get a better screenshot)

...because someone had the glorious idea to do this:

And when Jun proves how valuable he is to Team Arashi, Nino cannot hide a smirk.

He practically only looked towards Ohno/Okada, his look somewhat challenging :D

...which didn't really change even when Nana-chan and Jun returned ^^

In fact his look only became dirtier. I wouldn't want to come across his rage when he's scowling like this >.<

As the rest of the show went by, Nino kept eying Okada closely, like here:

I can't help thinking how his body-language screams "Bring it on, bitch!" (sorry for the language!)

I'd really love to know what happened behind the scenes after filming... My fangirl-heart can only imagine how much Nino clung to Ohno / groped / claimed Ohno's entire attention / felt Ohno up and generally behaved like he always does (and used to do on TV as well *sob* good old times, so long gone ;_;)

All screenshots and gifs by me (text of course as well)
Vid credit: monster 3104
What do you think? I'd love to hear your opinion on this♥!

❖ graphics - images, ♪ okada junichi, ❖ graphics - gif, ♥ ohmiya ( ^◡^)人(^◡^ ), ❖ picspam, *open

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