ANTM Cycle 11 Finale

Nov 24, 2008 16:35

Most people who are really interested in ANTM would have watched the finale already, those who are not really interested won't mind reading this anyway.

Antm Cycle 11 is over and I am not happy. I was seldom happy about Tyra's choice of the winner, the only winners that I liked were Naima and Danielle. For cyce 11, I bet  that Tyra already picked Mckey to be her winner right from the start, like any other cycles. I don't hate Mckey, but I liked Analeigh and Sheena more. Mckey seems like a block of wood from the start of this cycle, but she got cooler at the end. She has the high fashion look and the awesome bone structure, but her runway walk was not to die for. She should just be a photo model because her pictures were great. I can't imagine her doing Covergirl Commercials as well, since she doesn't have a bubbly personality and doesn't "spew rainbows incessantly"(quote from Jenah, Cycle 9).

I liked Sheena the best because of her attitude. She is very optimistic, and sticks up for people as well. When the other girls were bullying Isis, she defended Isis and made me wanna vote for her as president (haha).  Sheena takes beautiful pictures, despite her call out averages. Somehow , the judges made it sound as if the pictures were some passer-by photos that don't show a model. I think the pictures do! She looked very graceful and elegant on her hot air balloon picture! I didn't even like Marjorie's hot air balloon shot. =/ Her swimsuit shot was soft in the right way, her fierce eyes shot was damn intense (she should have been called 2nd, with Lauren Brie being first)  and her natural disaster shot was good I swear. I have no idea why she was in the bottom 3! She should have been called out earlier than Lauren Brie! For that shot, Sheena showed her dress! It's not good for models to cover their outfits or anything right? Elina and Samantha totally blocked off their mod dresses. ~~_~  Sheena also has a nice runway walk and is capable of doing a commercial. I thought her Covergirl Commerical was better than Analeigh's because it was very natural. I could still tell that Analeigh planned each and every step. I wanted Sheena to win but I knew she wouldn't because the judges didn't seem to be in love with her.

Analeigh should have won. After Sheena left, I was rooting for Analeigh. Analeigh can be a very successful catalogue and commercial model because of her bright personality. She doesn't seem like the type of models that would do couture. She started off really bad in this cycle, with the judges constantly reminding her that she has to do better because of her skating talents. That's bullshit. What has skating got to do with modelling?! I don't think skaters would have any extra creativity for model poses! ANALEIGH SHOULD HAVE WONNNNNNNNNN. She has the best runway walk out of the final 3. If the contestant can't walk, she can't be a model. This means that Samantha shouldn't be a model unless her runway walk improved by leaps and bounds.

Analeigh was the first to be eliminated on the finale, which pissed me off greatly. ANALEIGH WAS ROBBED. But I'm sure that she would be more successful than Mckey and Samantha. The final 2 for this cycle had the worst walks ever. The best one was in Cycle 4, with Naima and Kahlen. The finale runway in Cycle 4 was also the coolest. The one for Cycle 11 was okay looking but the fashion show itself was so boring! If the runway was so candyland, the designer should design something that suits that candyland theme! If the person who designed the runway knew that the designer's clothes look really boring (I think the clothes are boring and ugly, sorry designer), then don't make a unique runway! It sucks when the runway and the clothes don't even complement each other.

After the runway, Mckey and Samantha went back to the judging panel and Tyra was standing in a really ugly outfit that looks like Science Gone Wrong 2008. At the final evaluation, the judges would always compare the pictures of the final 2 contestants. This cycle was no exception, with the judges comparing Samantha's and Mckey's pictures side by side. THERE WAS NO NEED FOR THEM TO DO SO AS MCKEY IS CLEARLY THE BETTER ONE. When I saw that the finalists were Mckey and Samantha, it's so obvious that Mckey would win! Maybe that's the reason why Tyra chose Samantha to compete with Mckey, because it would be a case of Samantha getting owned by Mckey. BUT IF ANALEIGH WERE TO COMPETE AGAINST MCKEY, Analeigh would own the runway.


I detest most of the winners anyway.

In Cycle 3, Yaya should have won because Eva looks like a pig (stated by the judges) and is way too short to be a model. Yaya had prettier pictures and better posing skills. Furthermore, I loved her diva attitude. If you hate umeboshi, then don't eat it! Stupid judges, forcing people to eat things that they don't like. ~~_~

In Cycle 5, Nik should have won. I don't like Nicole. =/

In Cycle 7, Melrose should have won. Caridee can't walk for nuts! Melrose isn't a bitch you know. She's merely determined and focused and loves Twiggy A LOT. The case about her badmouthing Anchal is rubbish. She said that Anchal is pretty but she's not working it. Anchal should use her pretty to take outstanding pictures. She thought that Anchal would be a strong competitor but as the days go by, she felt that Anchal isn't as strong as she seems. HOW IS THAT BITCHING? Zz. Isn't Jaeda worse, saying that Anchal is fake. This cycle had the most number of modelesque contestants. I LOVED AJ and she should have made it far in the competition. Tyra is a cuckoo for choosing Jaeda over her.

Cycle 8 ~~_~  I don't really like this cycle. Both Jaslene and Natasha had speech problems and Renee's too much of a bitch.

In Cycle 9, I don't really know who should have won but I supported Lisa, Heather and Jenah. Heather belongs to couture as she can't do commercial because of her awkwardness. BUT SHE'S SUCH AN ANGEL! Lisa and Jenah are really fierce! Saleisha can go and die and Chantal's really weak. With Saleisha and Chantal walking for the finale runway, Saleisha would seem superior. If it was Jenah in the finals instead of Chantal, Saleisha would be shit.

In Cycle 10, Katarzyna should have won. She's smart, beautiful, takes great pictures and walks like a diva. Anya looked like an albino (thanks to Tyra) and fortunately, her hair is back to being brown! Anya is sweet but she's really dumb. Whitney is not the best plus sized model on the show and she's hating on all the skinny girls! How irritating. Die Whitney die. Oh and Whiteney was super fake during the cycle 11 finale episode.

I should start preparing for my other stuff. -stops writing-
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