Watched the extended Goblet of Fire on ABC Family last night while I was noodling around--come on, how could I resist?
Although the HALF-BLOOD PRINCE SNEAK PEEKS OMG were more like, "This one's a lot more about romance and relationships." You know, which is exactly what they've said about the last two as well. And I still have no idea how GOF was "extended," as nothing looked the least bit new to me, and there was a point when I was on Newborn Pupwatch a couple years back and GOF was on HBO all the time and I watched it a lot, okay? So you'd think I'd be able to tell. Anyway. So of course there was a really-funny-in-retrospect moment when Miranda Richardson first shows up and goes straight for The Hair--like, a big handful, damn--and of course the whole "You should go take a bath" thing will never stop being funny
to me. And I pretty much love all of Daniel Radcliffe's line readings still ("Who... who could figure that out? That's... completely mental"), but what struck me again--and I think I said this when the movie first came out as well--is that the series as a whole ratchets up to a completely different level once Ralph Fiennes shows up. I think specifically it's when he's all like "I CAN TOUCH YOU NOW HARRY POTTERRRRR" and starts mocking the way Harry screams. Like, did you see Red Dragon? It's like he had a little Francis Dolarhyde left over that he wanted to use up. And Ralphdemort's all hyper and excited about being back and finally kicking this kid's ass and you can actually kind of believe that--well, not that he'd be stupid enough to cat-and-mouse Harry (thereby allowing him to escape), but that the whole Boy Who Lived thing has really, really been eating at him, and he really wants to enjoy this whole killing-some-kid thing. Fiennes puts so much psycho verve into the whole thing that you believe he really needs to dance around and torture the kid rather than just AK him and call it a day. It's really, really disturbing, quite honestly, and it's pretty much the axis of the series--everything before the graveyard scene was kids' stuff, literally, and everything after it in the book/movie series is just an entirely different ball game. A lot of people have pointed specifically to Cedric's death as the moment the book series changed gears, actually, but in the movies I really feel like it's Fiennes who kicks it up to a different level. And specifically because of the parts where he tortures Harry--there's just something about actually seeing that, and how much Voldemort enjoys it, that just really--it's just--yeah.
Meanwhile, I'm going to try to cut down a bit on the amount of linkspam in each entry, if only to give myself a bit of a break. I need one anyway, and it's a tough time of year, etc. I'm probably not going to succeed at cutting back, but I'm going to try.
ppyajunebug: "I was wondering if you could maybe put
helpvera in your next linkspam? It goes to a great cause, and the objects in the auction are absolutely amazing, particularly for sci-fi/fantasy fans, or those who love handmade items." In fact, I just saw this headline:
Sci-Fi Authors, Fans Rally to Support Struggling Publisher. More linkspam!
New mania for a long-buried Beatles track. T.R. Knight Quits Grey’s Anatomy? 'Lost' Season 5 Character Promos. Exiled 'Fables' Could Find a New Home on Television. The Regency Dress Up Doll. Richard Corliss of TIME Magazine's Top 10 of 2008. 'Speed Racer'? Really?
Best movies of '08: Stars' picks. More Oscars:
D.C. Critics Vote ‘Slumdog’ Big and Give Nod to Ledger;
'Slumdog Millionaire': Brace for the backlash;
The Kangaroo in the Room ("Ms. Thompson goes on to deconstruct Nicole Kidman's lack of star power, Hugh Jackman's lack of range, the marketing for the film and the brutal reviews. Other than that, the movie was fine");
'Australia': Four reasons to love the embattled epic;
'Doubt' makes confident debut;
Indie Winners: 'I've Loved You So Long';
‘Gomorrah’ Poised to Take Best Foreign Language Feature with Big Euro Win. Images:
New Pics from 'The Brothers Bloom';
'Wild Target' set pics (Emily Blunt's shoes FTW);
Pics From 'The Unborn';
Exclusive: First Photo of Sack Head Jason Voorhees;
'What Doesn't Kill You' Poster is a Gunman Composed of Actor Heads;
'Nothing But the Truth' Poster Proves Matt Dillon's Emoting Ability;
England's 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' Teaser Poster! I am very disappointed that they are killers of lesbian vampires rather than lesbian killers of vampires.
Trailers and clips:
Learn How To Use Rorschach's Grappling Gun [Watchmen];
Rock On with the Trailer for Philip Seymour Hoffman's Pirate Radio Flick;
New 'The Spirit' and 'Push' Videos;
All The Women In Frank Miller's World Are Cray Cray [The Spirit];
Worth Watching - Dec 7: Another 'Dead Snow' Trailer! That's the one about the Nazi zombies, by the way.
As discussed extensively in
the previous entry:
'Twilight' director Catherine Hardwicke won't do sequel. It's still a little uncertain as to whether she was outright "fired" or whether she and the studio just had "different visions," with hers involving
enough money and time to actually make a movie. The
accompanying photo is perhaps not the best argument for Hardwicke's retention, however. Also:
Europe Catches Twilight Fever;
Pattinson, Stewart and Hardwicke in Germany;
in Paris;
Sarah Haskins Wonders If Loving A Vampire Sucks (highly recommended by many of y'all);
Video: Twilight: The Puppet Saga (ditto);
Roswell v. Twilight;
Twilight Star Impersonated On Facebook [Debunking] (which is to say, yes, it was all a hoax).
L.A. Dispatch: Academy Changes its Tune on "Dark Knight": "Back on Nov. 10, the executive committee of the music branch had decided the score had too many composers to qualify for Oscar honors. But it reversed field on Dec. 5, having received what an official press release from the group called 'clarifying information,' to the effect that only Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard were really responsible for the score’s authorship." Also:
Christopher Nolan Outlining 'Batman 3', Explains DVD Extras;
'Dark Knight' director Nolan illuminates four scenes;
For now, Nolan and Batman will rest in 'Dark' glory;
Christopher Nolan Wants to Shoot An Entire Movie on IMAX. I have to say, a shiny, fully-loaded Dark Knight DVD is probably the birthday present I am most looking forward to.
Rumor Alert: WB Planning a "Beedle the Bard" Movie?;
‘Harry Potter’ Star Emma Watson ‘Intrigued’ For ‘Deathly Hallows’ Split;
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Wins European Film Award. A Fresh Start For 'Bond 23', Says Daniel Craig;
Daniel Craig Wants Q and Moneypenny in the Next Bond;
'Quantum of Solace' Passes $500 Million Mark Worldwide. Nine Clips and 46 Pics from ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.’ Hathaway Talks Alice's White Queen, who will be entirely live-action?
Fincher to Take on 'Devil in the White City'? I SWOON, I DIE.
Frank Miller and Rosario Dawson Confirm Sin City 2 Is Written, Will Shoot in April 2009;
No Sin City Sequel for Mickey Rourke? BUT WHO IS PLAYING AVA LORRRRRRD???
Director Stephen Daldry on Sex, Moguls and Surviving 'The Reader' [Exclusive]. No 'Jurassic Park' Sequel, 'Bourne 4' Story Revealed? Harrison Ford Joining J.J. Abrams' Produced Comedy? Miramax Eyes Ben Affleck for 'Arizona.' Pullman Unmasks PKD Biopic. EXCLUSIVE: John Waters’ ‘Hairspray 2’ Plot Outline Revealed! Zac Efron On Drugs, Skinny Travolta And More. Spoilers for the 'Forrest Gump' Sequel That 9/11 Snuffed Out. Book Of Eli Will Be Trash Cinema At Its Finest. Luke Perry, Lauren Holly Ride Out Uwe Boll’s ‘The Storm.’