I may write an overall summary later, but for now, here is the complete livetweet/discussion (seven days over two weeks) of Twilight Reimagined: Life and Death. The last day is in two parts, because unexpectedly there as A DIVERGENCE and I had to recap the last three chapters twice over. And one of those chapters was an UNBELIEVABLE epilogue that had more plot than the entire rest of the book before it.
https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime2https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime3 https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime4 https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime5 https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime6 https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime7 https://storify.com/cleolinda/sparkletime8