Cause I like to make lists....(Doujinshi Realted Stuff)

Dec 05, 2021 08:26

As some might remember, I have the obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) (And an anxiety disorder....) and I think that the OCD is why I like to make lists....on a side note, I think trying to translate stuff, is really great for my's something to obsess with, but its not an unhealthy habit...

But yeah, I got here is a tally of scanned and scanalations!

Out of my collection I have scanned so far 118 books...(Still so many to go though....^^;;) 116 of it is doujinshi, and the other two are two volumes of the official VP manga....

As for scanalations...well between my scans, and things on the breaks down like this:

For Valkyrie Profile, I have one full volume of the official manga done (Gekijoh vol 50.) and THIRTY FIVE VP doujins done....this is not counting the old versions that I rescanalated when i got more confidant with trying to translate...

For Code Geass I have completed five doujins...though four of them were eventually scanalated by someone else online...I actually kinda like seeing when someone else translates the same book, cause its fun and interesting to me, to see how correct I was or not....but also sometimes there are things, a sentence here or bubble here I could not make sense it is good to see other people who might have been able to translate the bubbles I couldn't understand!

I have those far one Disney thing...not a doujin perse, but it was a collection of strips based on Ariel with Joe, the minion of Ursula, from Disney World in Japan's Happy Villains Halloween event. I have a lot of fan made strips based on those villains with the princess to try and get to someday!

I've got nine doujins done for Dragon Quest so far! Three are books I have phsycially bougth and scanned, but the other five were ones I found online....

Nine done for the Fate of which was a case of another person translating shortly after I finished my version! XD

I have a weird Final Fantasy seven wasn't a doujin, but a web comic that is sadly incomplete but I still worked on was an AU setting too!

I have a lot of fire emblem three houses doujins BOUGHT..enough that they are soon gonna surpassed the amount of Valkyrie profile doujins I have bought. But thus far I have only translated four...three of my scans, and one from online.

One for Granblue Fantasy, and it was a scan I found online!

Two for Hetalia, one being a large soushen collection book that is almost 200 pages in legnth. The other is a web comic for Prussia Hungary found online...I only did the fourth and final part...the other three parts I had found the translation for online...I am glad someone else did it, as the scans are so small, some of the things said were not legible enough for I am glad I didn't have to struggle with the whole thing...

Three Magi the Labyrinth of Magic books done...Two are doujinshi, and one is a collection of Magi strips by this one artist online...who is actually the artist of the two published doujins I translated! XD

I have 15 Smut manga...well 13 individual chapters of various series, and then two are completed volumes...The volumes were over 160 pages in it is more enjoyable to work on the individual chapters when it come to writing out the translations...

I have seven scanalations in my Misc folder, which was a folder I made for stuff that didn't have enough books to warrant a series folder of their own...

Only one done of Odin Sphere doujinshi, and it was a scan found online...

Gotten two Pio Fiore books scanalated. Dante and Lilliana pairing. Working on my third which is a Nicola Lilliana pairing...I have a lot of books own for that pairing...also own some Yang Liliana too!

My Quinnrose folder has's predominately Alice in the Country of Doujinshi, but one book is their Arabian Lost series...Actually i can't remember the name...think it's Arabian Lost: Engagement in the desert but am so blanking at the can't say for certain...Almost all my Alice books are thus far Ace Alice pairing, though I do have some Blood Alice too!

I've only completed one for Sailor Moon, and its a book found online...really need to get to work on some I bought myself for this series!

Tales of The Abyss is got six done...three of which were eventually done by another person. I knew they were working on this artist, but honestly, they were taking six or more months between books, and I got impatient, so did some scanalations for myself...I couldn't wait, but it was nice to see and compare my efforts with the other ones work! Sadly this artist no longer gets translated cause the artist threw a fit about her works being posted online for free (And she didn't want translations either.)...i can understand why people got upset. Hell if I couldn't read em myself, I might be more upset that her hissy fit cause the translator to decide not to do ANY more of her work....But yeah, i am able to read, so it didn't affect me...I own quite a few of her books...even some copybons...I kinda dream of getting the whole collection someday...right now I almost exclusively bought the ones that haven't been posted online...but yeah it was a dream of mine to phsycially own them...though for this she's up book forty it might remain a pipe dream....

One done for Tales of Xillia...and it was a sexy webcomic I stumbled on online!

And one completed for Idol Master, which was a book scanned by someone else!

For the scanning of books...let's see...

Forty eight are Valkyrie Profile ones. (Two of that forty seven being volumes of the official mangas put out for the series!)

One scanned for Uta No Prince Sama...

One scanned for Tokuen Ranbu....

I've scanned all three of my Tales of Berseria doujins...(Einzen Velvet pairing! Adults only, all by the same artist too!)

Two Sailor Moon doujins from my collection have thus far been scanned...

Nine Quinrose (all Alice in the country of doujinshi)

I've scanned three so far of my Pio Fiore doujinshi collection...

The one Naruto book I got...and got it cause it was an adults only AU involving vampires...

Three scanned of my Magi The Labyrinth of Magic collection...

Three of the Hetalia doujinshi...

Only one so far of my Full Metal Alchemist doujins. I actually have like 13 books for the Roy Riza pairing...

Wow I already scanned NINTEEN of my Fire Emblem doujinshi collection. 18 are three houses related, and one is a Fates related book!

One scanned for Final Fantasy IV...

Fourteen thus far scanned for the various Fate universes....

Four Dragon Quest XI books scanned!

Two Detective Conan doujinshi scanned...

And Three Tales of The Abyss ones scanned!

I don't actually share my scanalations online for quite a few reasons...though I've shared certain full books with close friends I could trust to not spread it around online. ^_-

As for non translated scans...I tried at first...but got told about what I had tried to scan, "that they were gorgeous books but shit scans..." So i decided, fine screw you, I am not gonna post if people can't appreciate the effort...I mean I spent the money, and spent the time to scan...but I am also not willing to rip apart my books, to try and get the kind of scans the free loaders wanted...So its really just a hobby for myself and some friends if I am working on something they might be interest to want to see the full thing.

Though sometimes I can't resist posting a small scanalated excerpt here and there...

I LOVE doujinshi...but don't always like the community around it...there is some entitlement attitudes going on about the stuff people buy with their own money and then share with others for free...and I have seen too many seasoedn translators start to pick apart, even chase off just starting out translators....I am nowhere near seasoned, so am sure I would get picked on for my attempts...I am better at it then I was when I first started, but even back then I knew better than to try and share my attempts publically....Let's not even get started, I don't have a cleaner or redrawer to make my scanlations look prettier...(Redrawers are people would would fix up when the writing had been directly on top of a scanalations technically look fine so long as the text is in word bubbles....but get ugly fast when there is writing on top of a drawing! ^^'') So people would rag on that too if I were to post...


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