Boon...Merlin Fic

Jan 02, 2010 10:07

Disclaimer: Belongs to the BBC/Shine in this incarnation, the legends of the British Isles in any other. As I am neither Corporation nor Country, they are emphatically not mine.
Title: Boon
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Pairing: Merlin/OC, Merlin/Arthur
Spoilers: None
Warnings: A teensy bit angsty. OC POV (yup, I’m warning for that)
Summary: An arranged marriage was almost inevitable for Arthur, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.
A/N: My first Merlin fic & unbeta’ed. I’m blaming accioscar  for getting me into the fandom, and cinnatart  & dysonrules  for inundating me with fic to the point that I wrote for the first time in god knows how long. Please direct all flames in their direction. ;D

 “Faster,” I cry, as the man above me moves steadily. He barely glances down at my face but I do not care - we are both well aware that this is a one-off, an act of physical release and no more. I glimpse the desperate misery in his face and do not fully understand it, though I know that it is somehow related to the delegation from Caer Baddan. He is useless at hiding his emotions, and that expression has graced his face since King Aetyr rode in yesterday with promises of rich trade and two beautiful daughters.

My hand clenches into his buttock as his pace increases, the other pressed into the headboard. I am so focused on sensation that I do not hear the door open, though I do hear the small thunk of something being dropped that follows it. Then, suddenly, there is a third body in this small bed - one that scrapes his lips the length of my bed partner’s spine and causes his rhythm to stutter, then falter completely as the entreaty, “Merlin, please,” is pressed hoarsely into his shoulder. I watch as the pain coalesces in those beautiful eyes before they are screwed shut. There is a moment of complete stillness, his body wholly rigid above mine, the golden head still pressed fiercely against his back, before he withdraws from my body with an apologetic motion.

A breath is released heavily before movement begins. The golden head raises and my companion moves to one side, his back to me, as the new arrival shuffles into the position I had held but moments before. I slide awkwardly to the mattress edge before regaining my feet and stepping towards my clothes. I dress slowly as I listen to the furtive sounds of lovers long used to masked devotion and shrouded pleasure grasped greedily wherever possible. Rapturous heights reached quickly and stealthily, though no less meaningfully for all that. My presence though, has torn something loose in this unavowed union, and I hear their quiet whispers.

“I love you”

“I love you too, Arthur”

I pause at the door and, awed, watch as tender kisses are pressed to sated, glowing skin. For the boon of witnessing this, their secret is one I will take with me to the grave.

merlin/arthur, fic

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