
Mar 09, 2010 14:59

Kid quotes make no sense... unless you know the context.


Lila asked Melisa why the Valentine's Day decorations were down. Melisa explained and told her she'd put up St. Patty's Day decorations soon.

"St. Patty's Day? Who is Patty? I don't know her."


Melisa has a fireplace. In Lila's world, this is a perch from which to jump and flap her arms and play "birdie."

"If we had a fireplace, I could play birdie at home!"


We took the kids with us to CostCo to grab a few things. There were many employees out in their stations, giving away samples. To one older woman in particular, who was wearing the usual hair net and hat along with some awful bright pink lipstick, Lila says,

"You look like a dragon."

Oh dear. Where did this one come from? "Um, because of her hat?"
She was nice about it and said, "Well, I'm a nice dragon."

Melisa thinks this may have come from Shrek, as the dragon in the movie wears bright pink lipstick.

Back to CostCo last weekend and Lila wonders aloud, "Where's the dragon? Why is she not here?"

Um, sweetheart, it's probably best if we don't tell people they look like a dragon. "Why?" Well...

I heard Charlie talking to her later. "Why did you say she looked like a dragon?"

"Because she was old."

Oh, good.


Charlie thinks it's funny to play a reggae song about marijuana on the computer. Mason bounces to it. Lila sings to it.

"Mama, I don' wanna!" or "Mara, I don' wanna!"

I like her version better.


Mason has started to look like he might try to figure out the crawling thing now. But he still prefers to be held upright so he can try to walk. And he can stumble along if you hold his hands, quite well. Yesterday at Melisa's he even tried to let go and take a step! She said she wouldn't call it a first step, but the desire and intent is there!

9 months old, 19 lbs, 10 oz, and trying to walk.

He's also taken a liking to pointing. I'm not sure if he's really trying to communicate anything yet, but he sure likes to point.

And I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose this pair of glasses to a toddler's hands when he gets big enough...

lila, mason

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