
Nov 06, 2009 15:49

When does poop stop being funny? Lila has the best time singing songs, getting attention, and then changing a lyric to talk about poop. For instance, a Yo Gabba Gabba song goes "Be nice to everyone and you will have some friends." She'll sing something like this a few times over and suddenly get giggly and sing "Be nice to everyone and you will have some poop."

Halloween was fun for her, even though Mommy never got a mermail tail sewn, no red hair spray or glitter make-up bought. As a matter of fact, I was in the hospital getting a stent in for kidney stones. So Dada and Papi took her around their neighborhood. Mason didn't get to dress up as Dada didn't realize I had a little bear outfit for him hanging on the crib. Oh well. She got loads of candy and had a lot of fun. And now, when she sees the big moon, she says, "The moon is out. It's Halloween!"

She's using all kinds of words now without knowing their meaning. "Frickin'" was the new one this week. I finally got some video of her using it in a sentence. Something about the tree frickin' around and around....

It amazes me how precise she is with some words and not with others. Pillow sounds like piwow. It's very cute. (She used to call herself Wiwa, too.)

I was so confused the day she kept asking me for "fruit tums". We don't have any. We have green Tums and blue Tums, but I don't have any fruit Tums. "Yes we do." Fine, where? Charlie chimes in with, "You're going to laugh when you find out what fruit tums are." She points to the top of the fridge. Croutons.


At 4 months, Mason was already 15 lbs and 13 oz, 26 inches long. He's almost 5 months old now (Saturday) and has been wearing size 6 months for a while. Lila stayed so small. It's such a change to have a big boy! (And he's still the smallest of the nephews right now.)

He's still wobbly and bobby though. I think we need to give him more tummy time or something. He's not rolled from back to font again since the 4 month mark. At least, not for me. Although he keeps trying when he sees his pacifier within reach on the floor.

It's amazing how much babies grow and change every day. It's fun to watch him find his fingers (he loves to suck on his first finger), bang toys, work on getting the pacifier in his mouth, try rolling, etc. He's playing more with sounds, too. Such a talker! He likes gee and I heard goo last night, and he has started blowing raspberries and making sounds starting with b. Lila gets mad when he spits on him, as if he knows that he's doing it!

He's still battling this upper respiratory thing. They have us using a nebulizer with him, but I'm not sure how much it's helping. Tonight should be the last dose.

Lila is definetly upset with how much attention he's getting. If I coo over poor baby's cough, she'll start coughing. There have been lots of "I'm sick" moments. I'm sure it's hard for her. I know we've been getting so frustraited with her. She's started a sassy attitude, talking back some, telling us we're wrong, she won't go to her room or to time-out, etc. We've got to focus on rewarding the good behaviour instead of getting so upset with the bad behaviour. But it is hard when she's sportin' the sassy mouth and not doing what you ask her to do over and over.... I'm sure she sees us so happy with Mason (because he's a really good, calm baby) and is upset.

This stuff is tough. I love them so much, but it's tough. I wish someone had suggested ECFE courses before we had kids....

lila, mason

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