Lila Journal - Something New

May 12, 2008 12:23

I LOVE this age.  Lila's been growing and changing and learning constantly and it seems everything has been huge over the past 2-3 months.

She got a new doll yesterday.  It's a plush Ariel.  (It was on sale at Target and they were out of Cinderella, her favorite, so she chose Ariel.)  It's the first time she's called something a "dollie" instead of a baby.  So grown up!  Charlie unwrapped it before bedtime and she held it to go to sleep.  She's never held anything to go to sleep.  She was excited to see it again this morning.  And she had it going potty on her potty chair.  (Don't worry - this isn't gross as she's never used her potty chair.  It's just sitting there with dust collecting.)

Last weekend's new phrase was "go 'way!"  Last week and this weekend's new phrase is "I did it!!!!!"  She gets so excited.  It's awesome.  She'll also say Mommy did it!  or Dada did it!  But it's usually about her.

She said "good night" last night to Charlie.  She's always said "bye" at night.  She said "good night."  So grown up!

She loves to color on paper and floors, and play with chalk (Ga-ga brought a chalkboard last weekend).  The past few mornings have been filled with "coloryou!", which means you need to come color with me now.  NOW.

She's also loving things "way high in the sky" like clouds, the moon, and stars.  This morning we had a talk about day vs. night and that the sun was in the sky now, not the moon.

We taught Nugget to climb the steps and go down her slide this weekend.  We also discovered giant worms while putting in plants.  I'm instilling the fear of all things creepy crawly in the poor girl.  Not on purpose, but because I find them gross to even think about touching and instinctively keep telling her not to touch them.  I scared the poor girl when she picked up a dead dragonfly a couple of weeks ago.  I've got to get over this so she doesn't get scared of everything, or think it's all icky.  Charlie's working to counteract this by getting her to pick up "itsy bitsies" (spiders).

She's picking up so much that I don't even realize until she says something.  This weekend was all about "open" and "closed" with doors, plastic Easter eggs, etc.  She knew the word belt.  Who knew I had said that enough times for her to pick up on it?  She loves necklaces, to my dismay because of the choking hazard, but I'm trying not to be overbearing on all things.  And if that girl could live outside and never come in, she would.  We'll have to camp in the yard sometime this summer....

God, I can't explain how much I love this child....

lila, new things

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