Crazy few days!

Jul 17, 2005 12:10

Okay, so the first highlight of Friday was that our Shakespeare class went to the Met and Shayne told us his life story. He grew up in NH and dropped out of school at 15 or 16 without his parents knowing by signing the forms in their names. During his time, he went to McDonald's and read a lot. When his parents and the school found out, the principal wanted to suspend him for the rest of the year, but the somewhat-smarter vice principal realized that that wasn't the best punishment and instead gave him detention for the rest of the year. He still went to Dartmouth at age 16, and dropped out because he couldn't stand being surrounded by ALL these "straight white guys" (the first time Shayne came out to us!) He then proceeded to backpack around Europe, work in Italy, etc. before going to school at UNH and he has now almost completed his PhD at Columbia! After this story, he said, "So that's your tour of the Met!" and did his adorable little giggle.
Then that night came the Harry Potter party at Scholastic. Although I'm not obsessed with Harry Potter by any means, I signed up to go becuase I was kind of excited for the book and I thought the part would be cool. They turned Mercer St in SoHo into "Harry Potter Place" and had booths like Ollivander's Wands where you could make your own, owl demonstrations, quidditch, potions demonstrations, photo ops, and face painting. I got a phoenix on my face. The bathrooms were like fifteen portapotties with speakers spouting Moaning Myrtle's lines while you tried to pee! It was very distracting. There were all these people, both paid and voluntary, dressed up as characters, including my friend Leah, who writes slash fanfic and dressed as Sirius. She had an Azkaban shirt, dogtags, a beard, and a black stuffed dog. We got on line for the books around 10, which was good timing becuase we were close enough to the front but right after that, everyone started to get on line, which went around the block. The two of us took turns going to the bathroom or to get snacks, and I tried Cherry Garcia for the first time (aka I ate half of a 1/2 pint). There was a couple with a nine-year-old kid behind us who looked so much like Harry and even had a robe and glasses. A news photographer took his picture and later took some of us after we got our books. Before the countdown began, this announcer asked who we thought would die and the whole crowd said "Dumbledore!" Once Leah yelled "Sirius lives!" and a bunch of people joined in! It was so funny. At another point, there was a hired guy on stilts who was playing dumb and asking what we were so excited about. Leah said, "my godson, Harry Potter" in her best Sirius accent, and the guy goes "Harry Potter?" really loudly, to which the kid behind us goes, "Right here!" It was one of the cutest moments of my life. When the countdown ended, the loudspeakers played inspirational music from the movie and we all filed in. The energy was incredible, and Leah and I practically jumped up and down when we got our books.
On the subway ride back, we just plunked down and read whenever we could. When we got back at around 1, we stocked up on snacks and curled up in the lounge, planning to read the rest of the night, especially because I had to be up at 7 anyway. However, I decided to take a 1-hour nap at 4, which turned into sleeping until 7:20! My Shakespeare class was supposed to meet to stand on line for Shakespeare in the Park at 7:45. When I made it on time after a rushed shower, Shayne wasn't even there yet. This all went away, however, when we saw him walking up the street with his boyfriend, whom he introduced as Jose! we all went down to Astor Place and got on line, where we read Harry Potter and periodically got up to get
starbucks or go to the bathroom. At one point, Shayne left for a half hour and came back with cream puffs for all of us! And later, Jose had his head in Shayne's lap and Shayne was stroking his hair! It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen! After standing on line for five hours, we got tickets and went back to Barnard. Stephanie and I each proceeded to hole up in our rooms and read Harry Potter until dinner. I finished at 5:30, right when the two of us were going to meet. We discussed it all through dinner, talking about what we thought would happen next and what we thought of who died and the romantic hijinks.
We got to the Delacorte Theater in Central Park at 7:50 and the play started at 8. It was so-so. Orlando was played by Sam Waterston's son, who was very annoying and not very attractive. Jaques was wonderful and Rosalind (who was Portia in the movie of Merchant of Venice) was really good, but the show itself was silly and directed in the teenage-boy style of everybody (especially Rosalind and Celia) dry-humping each other. Apparently Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams were in the audience, but my searching was in vain. We got back around midnight, at which point I collapsed into bed and slept until 10:45!
So, all in all: I'm tired, there are two weeks left, I miss people but haven't had the energy to call them, and I have almost no money left.
Oh! My AP scores came in! 5 on APUSH, 5 on BC, and 4 on Physics. Thank God that's over with!
I really want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Wedding Crashers, but I have no money and have to wait for my parents to come back from Colorado to get more. Grr. Love and miss you all. Call me if you get a chance.
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