FMA chibi - OAV look out!!!

Apr 18, 2006 08:37

[ mood |
happy happy! ]

Waaah~ I can't believe the Eastern week-end is finally off!!!
Even though I have been quite busy with moving some more furniture and the like, I've read and watched a couple things and it all finished on a superb "grande finale", with the watching of the chibi OAV of FMA!!

6 min or so of pure pleasure, laugh and delirium!!!!!! It's an absolute must-see, BUT after the movie "Shambala", as it features the party held traditionally after the end of the shooting of a movie. Many "guests" at the party, a delicious Hawkeye, a Winry as you never saw her... hey am I only talking about the female cast? How unusual!... Only kidding!!! The Elric bro are just delicious as well, we get chibi Ed PLUS chibi Al in complete human form!!!! And Al is the best! He's not a little kid who stays in the shadow of his nii-san!!! Go, go, Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't talk about dear sweet POOR Roy, it's just too good to discover him on one's own...

I think this OAV, as delirious as it is, is just a condensed sum-up of all I like in the series and WHY I can fully and totally appreciate it without any shonen-ai hints around the corners. A great great series as I didn't see for a long while!!

♥ ♥ ♥
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