An Alphabet of 113 Free Things to do at the Faire

Nov 28, 2007 16:30


Applaud as children are made knights and ladies of Her Majesty's court
Ask for your name to be written in calligraphy by Linda
Ask Oderferious Thunderbottom about the privy business
Ask what's cooking at the Dirty Duck
Be a flibbertigibbit
Be email free for a day
Be moved by Courtly Crescendo
Be serenaded by Craig of Farrington
Be someone's hero
Boo the Badde Guys
Bring a sketchpad and draw cartoons of Jane the Phoole
Brush up your Shakespeare - start quoting him now
Call people "Good Cousin" even if you aren't related
Capture memories to last a lifetime
Carry a pike for the military
Catch yourself smiling
Chat with a Lady-in-Waiting
Cheer at Crimson Blades Fencing Academy
Cheer for your hero at the Joust
Cheer the Merry Men
Climb on the ship and say "Argh, Me Hearties"
Count the feathers in people's hats
Count the fish and turtles from banner bridge
Count the jester heads at the toy shoppe
Count the jewels on the Sir Walter Ralegh's doublet
Count the time-traveling Vikings
Dance through the trees with a fairie only you can see
Duck as the Falcons fly over your head
Fall in love with Maid Marian
Feel the heat from the glass blower
Find the hidden garden on High Street
Find the stamps secreted around the Faire site
Find the New World native mural
Form a complete sentence using the word "thou"
Get "buzzed" by a falcon
Get advice from Queen Elizabeth
Get caught up in the battle of good vs. evil
Get drafted by the Guilde of St. Michael
Get locked in the crows cage
Get lost on purpose, just to ask directions from a faire maiden
Go on a scavenger hunt
Gossip with a Courtier
Gossip with a courtier at Court Glade
Greet the wizard on Farnhams Way
Guess how high the trampolines will bounce at the Pirate's Assault
Guess who the portaitist is drawing
Have tea with Lady Ettie
Hold hands and skip
Hold your breathe as the muskets fire
Hold your breathe when down-wind of the petting zoo (not really!)
Jeer and hoot at the Evil Sheriff
Keep the beat at the drum jam
Kiss a lady's hand
Kiss under a tree
Latch yourself in the "Iron Maiden" cage in front of The Forgery for a unique photo opportunity
Laugh at people in the water stocks
Laugh at Sir Francis Drake
Learn a country dance
Learn how to curtsy
Learn how to fold a kilt
Learn to be a "Bold and Stupid Man" with Dirk and Guido: The Swordsmen!
Leave a love note on the message board
Make a face like the lions at Tuscany Taverne
March in a parade
Offer up a limerick at the Pig 'N Whistle Tavern
Ogle a knight in shining armor
Oooh and ah at the adorable Highland cows, the fuzzy chickens and the llama
Out shout a Towne Crier
Parade with Robin Hood and His Merry Men!
Parlez with Oderferious Thunderbottom
Peek under the fig leaf on the Seven Deadly Sins mural
Pet a horse after the Joust
Pet a noble steed
Play a game of Fairie Tag
Play a period game at The Happy Viking
Play chess
Play stool ball
Push a boat at Mouseboro Pond
Remember not to eat the free soap samples at Seventh Sojourn
Ridicule people in the stocks
Sample a garlic sautéed mushroom
Sample candy roasted nuts
Scream "Mud, Eat Mud!" and mean it
Shake Jyncks the Giant Jester's hand
Shout "God Save the Queen"
Sing a song at Kids Kingdom
Sing along with the closing song
Sing along with the Minstrels of Mayhem
Sit with legs akimbo
Spot the green man masks
Spot the ladies mural by the corn booth
Spy the new gardens
Stand in the Chime Garden
Stroll across the bridge
Stroll through the key garden at the Court Glade
Strut, sashay and saunter
Take a picture of a perfect stranger on purpose
Tell a limerick to Jane the Phoole
Tell your favorite poem to a Fantastikal
Try on armor
Try your foot at Irish step dancing
Twirl around the Maypole
Visit Butterfly Potatoes on High Street next to Kids Kingdom for a free sample
Watch an archeological dig at the Dig Pit
Watch custom bootery at Bald Mountain Mocassins
Watch the sparks fly at The Forgery
Watch the fish from the bridge
Wave at the parade
Wear flowers in your hair
Window shoppe with no windows
Yell "Hip, hip, huzzah!" at the top of your lungs and not think twice about it
Yell a happy helloooo to Ale Wench Kathy at the Crow's Nest
Plan your next trip to the Faire
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