For any of you on OSX, you should be using
Adium for all of your IM needs. It is the best instant messaging program on any platform.
That said, Adium is going over the rounds and testing the 1.0 branch. The current version is 0.81 and is very solid, but there are obviously a lot of improvements in 1.0. If you feel like living on the edge, you can try the
beta. I give warning because this past week, the beta was rendered useless for AIM as AOL decided to 'change something'. In short, AOL set a lower limit to the amount of data one can pull at one time. Since Adium pulls a lot of useful information at once, AOL kills the connection. Yesterday they released beta 9, so all is well in Adium land.
However, I'm bummed. 1.0 includes the
LiveJournal IM service. It's really Jabber, but Adium's interface lists it specifically. When it came in b8, I made LJ icons for the service and put them in the build
[#5061]. But when I read the release notes for b9, it says this:
• New service icon for the LiveJournal service. Thanks to Andy Mai of LiveJournal for providing this for us.
I'll admit that the new icons are better, but I was going from the jpgs and PNGs from the LJ website. Mr. Mai likely has the original. Still, I was there first!!