
May 13, 2009 21:45

Exciting update to the house saga!  We signed today!  For those of you who have purchased a home, you know this is an experience that reduces you by at least two pounds in less than 45 minutes because of the copious amounts of sweat you perspire as you sign page after page promising not to take anyone to court but to show up if and when someone else wants you there.  And that the $170K loan you’ve committed to will in the end of your 30 years cost you $331K.  This is all exciting stuff!  We are very excited and rightfully so.  Needless to say, my husband and I stuffed all four kids into the car and drove by the house to admire it and look what we found…


So cute and so random.  There is no water nearby so we aren’t really sure why the cute ducks are hanging in the new hood but we love all things fuzzy and feathery.  They hung out the whole time we frolicked around the house.  The one drake ran the other off a couple times (protecin’ his woman-good man) and continually mumble-quacked like a grumpy old man. Even chased off the neighbor’s cat.  Hope the ducks hang for the season.  Ducks are cool.

Now a reminder that the totally unique and fun Shiver contest deadline is Friday.  See my previous post for the how-to’s, post on your own blog, facebook, and/or twitter and then update Maggie Stiefvater’s original post.  Be sure to say that Kai sent you.  Deadline, deadline, deadline!!!

Now, I must sign off.  They are FINALLY close to the results on Idol.  This is the first time EVER that I’ve cared and I think I might burst if they don’t just tell me now!


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