Are You Superstitious?

May 11, 2009 09:31

I’m not.  Not really.  Okay maybe sometimes.

I’m preparing a magazine submission.  One I have to mail the old fashioned way (with the increased postage!) and include a SASE with (with the increased postage).  I’m stuck.  We are supposed to close escrow on Wednesday.  HOORAY! But that would mean my address is about to change. BOO. The house we are buying is empty and has been for probably more than half a year.  I’m two days away from calling the new address my own.  But can I bring myself to submit with that address on my SASE?  No.

Why?  It might jinx the deal.  Some of you are nodding.  You understand.  Some of you are browing.  You know, your eyebrows pull together and the corner of your upper lip curls in a “What?!” expression. The rest of you are scoffing indignantly and rolling your eyes.  “That wouldn’t have any effect on your transaction,” you’re thinking.

There is a part of my brain that completely understands that.  The rest of my brain believes in the butterfly effect: a butterfly beats its wings in China and the inertia of the wind it displaces grows into a tsunami on the Oregon Coast which would in turn create gale force winds to blow over the Cascades and directly into the house we are about to purchase, turning it into kindling and therefore snatching my dreams of opening an acceptance letter as I stand in the front room decorated with antique furniture I don’t yet own.

Well, you at least get my point that I’m worried something will happen if I pre-suppose this is a done deal.

Would you use the new address or the old address?  Are you maybe a little superstitious or absolutely not at all?

(I might have to feel stressed more often.  I LOVE the mood indicator for it.)

your turn

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