Le Interview

May 19, 2008 17:06


1. Leave me a comment saying "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and personal nature, or not so creepy/personal.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.

-I was interviewed by the lovely queenhyprshadow

1. What are your three most favorite colors?

I think my three top favorite colors would have to be blue, purple and.... I want to say teal. So blue, purple, and teal. XD

2. What is your favorite Sailor Moon episode?
Oh, that's a hard one. Hm, I think my favorite SM episode is the one where Hotaru, Chibi-Usa, and the other Sailor Soldiers get trapped in Hotaru's home and, at the end, Hotaru had her chance to save everyone and see that good things can happen to her. :P

3. What's your favorite clothing style(s)?

I don't really have one. I have no fashion sense. XD

4. Which has, so far, been your favorite school year and why?

Hmm... Academically, they've all been... not fun. XD I think, though, that 10th grade was the best school year because I was finally able to grow out of and leave my very (now that I look back on it) foolish and silly depression. I was able to come to better terms with Life, for which I am very happy. :)

5. What is your favorite fairytale?

I'm going to base this on the Disney versions because I haven't actually read the original written fairy tales themselves.

The Little Mermaid because the mermaid had a dream and didn't give up on it so easily. :)


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